
100 Suffixes and Prefixes Examples in English

100 Suffixes and Prefixes Examples in English
Written by iLmrary

Suffixes and prefixes play a crucial role in language by adding depth, flexibility, and efficiency to communication. Suffixes are affixes added to the end of a word, while prefixes are affixes added to the beginning. Together, they allow us to modify and extend the meanings of words, create new words, and convey nuances of time, location, quantity, degree, and more.

The importance of suffixes and prefixes lies in their ability to enhance understanding, precision, and efficiency in communication. By adding a suffix or prefix to a word, we can change its tense, form a noun or adjective from a verb, express negation, indicate size or comparison, and much more. This flexibility allows us to convey complex ideas and nuances in a concise and precise manner. Suffixes and prefixes also contribute to word formation, enabling the creation of new words and expanding the vocabulary of a language.

Additionally, suffixes and prefixes contribute to language efficiency. By attaching these linguistic elements to base words, we can convey multiple meanings or concepts within a single word. This streamlines communication and reduces the need for lengthy explanations or additional words, making our speech or writing more concise and effective.

Suffixes and Prefixes in English

Prefixes Examples Suffixes Examples
A- Asexual, Apathy -able Adorable, Comfortable
Anti- Antibiotic, Antisocial -al Historical, Sensational
Bi- Bilingual, Bipolar -ance Resistance, Importance
Co- Coexist, Cooperation -ation Exploration, Presentation
De- Deactivate, Defrost -ed Fulfilled, Interested
Dis- Disapprove, Dislike -er Teacher, Writer
En- Encourage, Enlighten -est Biggest, Fastest
Ex- Exhale, Expose -ful Beautiful, Careful
Fore- Foresee, Forefront -ian Musician, Magician
In- Incomplete, Insecure -ible Accessible, Irresistible
Inter- Interact, Interfere -ing Running, Singing
Mis- Misunderstand, Misbehave -ion Decision, Connection
Non- Nonfiction, Nonexistent -ish Childish, Foolish
Over- Overcome, Overwhelm -ism Capitalism, Activism
Pre- Preapprove, Precede -ist Scientist, Artist
Re- Rebuild, Reconsider -ive Talkative, Attractive
Sub- Submarine, Submerge -ize Organize, Recognize
Trans- Transform, Transatlantic -less Fearless, Homeless
Un- Unhappy, Unlikely -logy Biology, Psychology
Under- Underestimate, Underground -ment Achievement, Development
Up- Upgrade, Uphold -ness Happiness, Sadness
With- Withdraw, Withhold -ous Courageous, Delicious
Auto- Autopilot, Automobile -ship Leadership, Friendship
Bi- Bifocal, Biweekly -tion Interaction, Introduction
Circum- Circumvent, Circumnavigate -ward Forward, Backward
Com- Combine, Community -y Rainy, Cloudy
Dis- Disagree, Disobey -able Acceptable, Manageable
En- Enclose, Engage -ation Collaboration, Foundation
Fore- Foretell, Forecast -er Baker, Teacher
Im- Impossible, Impatient -ful Successful, Beautiful
In- Indecisive, Inactive -less Careless, Homeless
Inter- Interact, Interview -ly Quickly, Happily
Mid- Midnight, Midway -ment Movement, Adjustment
Mis- Misbehave, Misunderstand -ness Happiness, Sadness
Out- Outsource, Outsmart -ous Courageous, Famous
Over- Overcome, Overwhelm -s Cats, Dogs
Post- Postpone, Postgraduate -ship Friendship, Scholarship
Pre- Preheat, Preorder -sion Decision, Confession
Re- Rebuild, Reconsider -ward Forward, Upward
Semi- Semifinal, Semiannual -y Rainy, Windy
Sub- Submarine, Subdivide -able Drinkable, Readable
Super- Superman, Supermarket -ation Preparation, Celebration
Trans- Transport, Transfer -er Singer, Dancer
Un- Unhappy, Unlikely -ful Playful, Colorful
Under- Underestimate, Undergo -ish Childish, Selfish
Up- Upgrade, Uphold -less Fearless, Limitless
With- Withhold, Withdraw -ness Sadness, Kindness
Anti- Antivirus, Antibacterial -able Teachable, Understandable
De- Deselect, Decompose -ation Information, Meditation
Dis- Disapprove, Discontinue -ed Interested, Surprised
En- Enable, Encourage -er Teacher, Writer
Ex- Exit, Exhale -est Tallest, Strongest
Fore- Foresee, Forewarn -ful Careful, Thoughtful
In- Inactive, Incomplete -ial Special, Essential
Inter- Interact, Interfere -ing Dancing, Singing
Mis- Misunderstand, Misbehave -ion Decision, Discussion
Non- Nonfiction, Nonexistent -ish Childish, Selfish
Over- Overcome, Overwhelm -ism Capitalism, Patriotism
Pre- Prepay, Precede -ist Artist, Scientist
Re- Rebuild, Rewind -ive Active, Talkative
Sub- Submarine, Submerge -ize Recognize, Organize
Trans- Transport, Transplant -less Homeless, Endless
Un- Unpack, Uncover -ly Quickly, Happily
Under- Underestimate, Undergo -ment Movement, Development
Up- Upgrade, Uphill -ness Happiness, Sadness
With- Withdraw, Withhold -ous Dangerous, Mysterious
Auto- Autopilot, Automobile -ship Friendship, Membership
Bi- Bilingual, Bifocal -tion Transition, Competition
Circum- Circumvent, Circumnavigate -ward Upward, Backward
Com- Combine, Communicate -y Shiny, Cloudy
Dis- Disagree, Disappear -able Drinkable, Readable
En- Encourage, Enlighten -ation Explanation, Observation
Fore- Foresee, Forewarn -er Teacher, Singer
Im- Impossible, Imbalance -ful Wonderful, Beautiful
In- Incomplete, Inaccurate -less Homeless, Fearless
Inter- Interact, Interview -ly Quickly, Happily
Mid- Midway, Midnight -ment Movement, Development
Mis- Misunderstand, Misbehave -ness Happiness, Sadness
Out- Outsource, Outnumber -ous Courageous, Dangerous
Over- Overcome, Overwhelm -s Cats, Dogs
Post- Postpone, Postgraduate -ship Friendship, Partnership
Pre- Preheat, Prepay -sion Discussion, Conclusion
Re- Rebuild, Renew -ward Forward, Backward
Semi- Semifinal, Semiconscious -y Rainy, Windy
Sub- Submarine, Substitute -able Comfortable, Presentable
Super- Superhuman, Supercharge -ation Investigation, Celebration
Trans- Transform, Transcribe -er Teacher, Writer
Un- Unhappy, Unlikely -ful Beautiful, Joyful
Under- Underestimate, Undergo -ish Childish, Foolish
Up- Upgrade, Uphold -less Fearless, Limitless
With- Withhold, Withdraw -ness Sadness, Kindness


100 Suffixes and Prefixes Examples in English

100 Suffixes and Prefixes Examples in English


100 Suffixes and Prefixes Examples in English

100 Suffixes and Prefixes Examples in English


100 Suffixes and Prefixes Examples in English

100 Suffixes and Prefixes Examples in English

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