
Household Chores Vocabulary in English with Pictures

Household Chores Vocabulary in English with Pictures
Written by iLmrary

Learning Household Chores Vocabulary holds paramount significance as it empowers individuals to effectively manage their daily living spaces. Proficiency in this vocabulary enables clear communication about essential tasks like cleaning, cooking, organizing, and maintaining a home. Such knowledge fosters self-sufficiency, promoting independence among individuals of all ages. Moreover, mastering household chores vocabulary contributes to a harmonious living environment, as it facilitates seamless collaboration in shared spaces and responsibilities among family members or housemates. Ultimately, this linguistic competence enhances one’s practical life skills, cultivates a sense of responsibility, and contributes to a well-organized and functional living space, fostering a balanced and productive lifestyle.

Household Chores Vocabulary in English with Pictures

Household Chores Vocabulary in English with Pictures

Household Chores Vocabulary

Serial No. Household Chore Chores Images
1 Vacuuming Vacuuming
2 Sweeping Sweeping
3 Mopping Mopping
4 Dusting Dusting
5 Washing Dishes Washing Dishes
6 Doing the laundry Doing the laundry
7 Cooking Cooking
8 Taking out the Trash Taking out the Trash
9 Making the Bed Making the Bed
10 Watering Plants Watering Plants
11 Cleaning Windows
12 Drying the Plates
13 Ironing
14 Washing Windows
15 Yard Work
16 Washing the Car
17 Repairing
18 Pet Care
19 Grocery Shopping
20 Feeding the pet
21 Changing Bed Linens Changing Bed Linens
22 Setting the Table Setting the Table
23 Cleaning the Bathroom Cleaning the Bathroom
24 Dusting Ceiling Fans Dusting Ceiling Fans
25 Taking Care of Plants Taking Care of Plants
26 Folding the laundry Folding the laundry
27 Raking Leaves Raking Leaves
28 Wiping the table Wiping the table
29 Weed the garden Weed the garden
30 Watering Garden Watering Garden
31 Gardening Gardening
32 Cleaning the walls Cleaning the walls
33 Cleaning Baseboards Cleaning Baseboards
34 Dusting the Furniture Dusting the Furniture
35 Cleaning the Oven Cleaning the Oven
36 Cleaning the Refrigerator Cleaning the Refrigerator
37 Cleaning Carpets Cleaning Carpets
38 Weeding the Garden Weeding the Garden
39 Drying the table Drying the table
40 Mowing the lawn Mowing the lawn
41 Trimming the plants Trimming the plants

Daily Chores and Their Meanings


Regular tasks like sweeping, mopping, and dusting help keep your home tidy, clean, and comfortable.


Making meals ensures you eat a balanced diet, stay healthy, and gives you a chance to be creative with food.


Washing and folding clothes keep your wardrobe clean, organized, and ready to wear.


Washing dishes right away prevents clutter and keeps the kitchen clean and pleasant.

Grocery Shopping

Buying groceries ensures you have all the essentials for meals and keeps your kitchen well-stocked.

Trash Disposal

Properly throwing away trash stops odors and pests, keeping your home clean and sanitary.

Making Beds

Making your bed each morning helps create a neat and inviting bedroom.


Keeping your things in their places reduces clutter and makes it easier to find items.

Watering Plants

Regularly watering plants keeps them healthy and adds a touch of nature to your home.


Being physically active boosts your overall well-being, improving both physical and mental health.

Pet Care

Feeding, grooming, and spending time with pets ensures they are happy and healthy.

Bathroom Maintenance

Regularly cleaning the bathroom keeps it sanitary and comfortable.

Mail Sorting

Sorting and organizing mail prevents important documents from getting lost and keeps your space tidy.


Keeping track of expenses and managing your budget helps maintain good financial health.


Practicing personal hygiene routines, like brushing your teeth and skincare, supports overall wellness.

Technology Management

Organizing digital files, updating software, and managing devices keep your technology running smoothly.


Taking time to read enhances your knowledge, stimulates your mind, and helps you relax.


Regularly checking emails and messages ensures effective communication and keeps you updated.

Social Interaction

Connecting with friends and family nurtures relationships and supports emotional well-being.


Taking time for self-reflection and mindfulness promotes mental clarity and emotional balance.

Home Repairs

Fixing small problems in your home promptly prevents bigger issues and keeps everything working well.

Time Management

Planning your day and prioritizing tasks helps you be productive and reduces stress.

Language Practice

Learning and practicing a new language broadens your horizons and enhances communication skills.

Artistic Pursuits

Engaging in creative hobbies like painting, crafting, or playing music fosters self-expression and relaxation.

Environmental Consciousness

Practicing eco-friendly habits like recycling and saving energy contributes to a sustainable future.


Taking online courses or tutorials helps you expand your knowledge and gain new skills.

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