Parts of Speech

10 Types of Prepositions in English with Examples

8 Types of Prepositions in English with Examples
Written by Muhammad Waqas

A preposition is mostly in the form of small words and sometimes a collection of words that are used before nouns and pronouns to represent the time, relation, location, place, or direction and to introduce something. Learn all Types of prepositions in English with easy examples.


In, on, of, off, upon, at, to, towards, as far as, etc.

Without the proper use of prepositions, it’s impossible to retain the sense of a sentence. But it’s very difficult to remember all the prepositions, so it’s better to remember phrases or sentences where prepositions are used instead of remembering the prepositions.

Types of Prepositions:

1- Prepositions of time

Preposition of time is used to represent different times like day, morning, evening, months, Pm, Am, etc.

We use “in” with part of the year, month, and day like evening, or morning.

Example: In the morning.

We use “at” with a specific time, like at 9’O clock.

We use “on” with a day’s name, like “on Saturday.”

2- Preposition of direction

Preposition of direction is used to represent the different directions, like East, West, above, below, forward, backward, etc.

For direction, we use prepositions “in, onto, into, to, and towards.”


Come into the room.

I am going to school.

3- Preposition of location

It is used to represent the location.

In, at, and on are prepositions of location.


See you in the laboratory.

I can see a lot of dirt on the table.

See me at the park.

4- Preposition of place

These represent the place of something where it is. In, on, at, inside, under, and into are the preposition of place.


The book is on the table.

The cat is sitting under the table.

5- Preposition of relation

These prepositions are used to represent spatial relations. Prepositions of relation are along, above, against, besides, beneath, in front of, off, etc.


Place your check inside the cupboard.

Why are you hiding behind me?

6- Simple prepositions

These are shortest prepositions and consist of only one word. Like in, on, to, of, off etc.

Example: I am going to school.

8 Types of Prepositions in English with Examples

8 Types of Prepositions in English with Examples

7- Double prepositions:

These prepositions consist of two words, like out of, into, onto, upon, etc.

Example: Can you please get out of the car?

8- Compound prepositions:

These prepositions are made by adding a preposition as a prefix before a noun, adjective, or adverb like above, amongst, around, about, below, beneath, beyond, beside, etc.

Example: Besides eating bananas, I would like to have a meal.

9- Participle prepositions:

Verbs that end with “en, ed, ing” can sometimes act as prepositions like including, excluding, following, regarding, given, etc.

Example: Regarding your case, I can’t help you.

10- Phrase prepositions:

It consists of a preposition, an object, and an object modifier like “On behalf of, in order to, by virtue of, etc.”

10 Types of Prepositions in English with Examples

10 Types of Prepositions in English with Examples

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About the author

Muhammad Waqas

Muhammad Waqas is a dedicated freelance writer and blogger specializing in creating engaging content for English learners. With a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from COMSATS University Islamabad, Muhammad combines his academic expertise with practical teaching experience to help learners improve their English skills.

In addition to his writing, Muhammad has been conducting online English speaking courses worldwide, reaching students from diverse backgrounds and helping them achieve their language goals. His passion for the English language and commitment to education shine through in every article he writes, making complex concepts easy to understand and apply.

Whether you're just starting your English learning journey or looking to refine your skills, Muhammad's insightful posts and interactive courses offer valuable guidance and support. Connect with him to explore the boundless possibilities of mastering English.