Parts of Speech

Types of Pronoun with Examples in English | Pronoun Types

Types of Pronoun with Examples in English | Pronoun Types
Written by Muhammad Waqas

Learn all types of pronouns with easy examples for learning them more effectively. all types of pronouns have been explained well along with common examples for better understanding. it is important to learn types of pronouns with examples.

A pronoun is a word or phrase used instead of a noun or noun phrase. We mostly prefer to use a pronoun to avoid the repetition of nouns.

Because it is used in place of a noun, you can use it anywhere you have to use a noun. It can replace the names of persons, things, places, or ideas.

Mostly we think about pronouns as personal pronouns, but they are more than this.

Some of the most common personal pronouns are “he, she, it, they, them, her, us, our, him, etc. But instead of personal pronouns, there are some other pronouns like someone, something, anything, whichever, there, anyone, that, etc.

Example: Ahmed is learning cycle. His sister is helping him so that he can learn without taking help from anyone else.

Table of Content

1. Personal pronoun

2. Demonstrative Pronoun

3. Personal pronouns

4. Interrogative pronouns

5. Relative pronoun:

6. Indefinite pronouns

7. Reciprocal pronouns

8. Dummy pronouns

9. Intensive pronouns

10. Possessive pronouns


How are Pronouns used?

Pronouns are words that we use to replace nouns in sentences. They make our language simpler, more efficient, and less repetitive. Instead of constantly repeating a person’s or thing’s name, we can use pronouns to refer to them. For example, instead of saying “Mary went to the store, and then Mary bought some groceries,” we can say “Mary went to the store, and then she bought some groceries.” In this sentence, “she” is a pronoun that takes the place of “Mary.” Pronouns like “he,” “she,” “it,” “they,” and “we” help us talk about people and things without repeating their names over and over again. Pronouns are important because they make our sentences flow better, avoid unnecessary repetition, and make communication smoother.

Pronouns vs Nouns

Pronouns and nouns are both important parts of speech, but they serve different purposes in a sentence.

Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas. They can be concrete objects, such as “table” or “dog,” or abstract concepts, like “love” or “freedom.” Nouns often function as the subject or object of a sentence. For example, in the sentence “John ate an apple,” “John” and “apple” are both nouns. “John” is the subject of the sentence, and “apple” is the object.

Pronouns, on the other hand, are words that replace nouns in a sentence. They are used to avoid repetitive language and make communication more efficient. Pronouns can refer to people, animals, things, or even ideas. Examples of pronouns include “he,” “she,” “it,” “they,” “we,” and “you.” For instance, instead of saying “John is a doctor. John helps people,” we can use the pronoun “he” to say “John is a doctor. He helps people.” Here, “he” replaces the noun “John.”

In summary, nouns name people, places, things, or ideas, while pronouns replace nouns to avoid repetition and make sentences more concise. Both nouns and pronouns play crucial roles in constructing meaningful and coherent sentences.

Types of Pronouns

1. Personal Pronoun

Personal pronouns refer to a person or thing like his, her, she, it, they, we, etc.

List of Personal Pronoun Words

I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me

Personal Pronouns in Sentences

She is a talented artist.
In this sentence, the personal pronoun “she” is used to refer to a female individual.

I went to the park with my friends.
In this sentence, the personal pronouns “I” and “my” are used to indicate the speaker’s identity and possession, respectively.

I like her nature.
in this sentence, the personal pronouns are “i, and her”.

2-Demonstrative Pronoun

Demonstrative pronouns are used to indicate something.

List of Demonstrative Pronoun Words

Like these, those, that, this etc.

Demonstrative Pronouns in Sentences

I like this book on the shelf.”
In this sentence, “this” is a demonstrative pronoun that refers to a specific book that is nearby or within reach.

Those flowers in the garden are beautiful.”
Here, “those” is a demonstrative pronoun that points out specific flowers that are at a distance or farther away.

I like these books.

3-Interrogative pronouns

These pronouns are used when we ask a question like which, what, or whom.

List of interrogative pronouns Words 

  • who
  • whom
  • whose
  • what
  • which

Interrogative Pronouns in Sentences

Who is the winner of the competition?
Interrogative pronoun: “Who”

Whose book is this?
Interrogative pronoun: “Whose”

Whom do you want to see?
Interrogative pronoun: “Whom”

4-Relative pronoun

It is used to supply more information about a clause, mostly as interrogative pronouns like whichever, whoever, whatever, etc.

List of Relative pronoun Words 

Who, Whom, Whose, Which, That

Relative pronoun in Sentences

  • The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
    Relative pronoun: “who”
  • The car that I bought yesterday is brand new.
    Relative pronoun: “that”
  • You can choose whichever book you like.
    Relative pronoun: “Whichever”

5-Indefinite pronouns

These pronouns refer to unspecified things, like somebody, anybody, anyone, some, someone, something, etc.

List of Indefinite pronoun Words 

All, Another, Anybody, Anyone, Anything, Both, Each, Everybody, Everyone, Everything

Indefinite pronoun in Sentences

Everyone should bring their own lunch to the picnic.
(Indefinite pronoun: “everyone”)

Somebody left their umbrella in the hallway.
(Indefinite pronoun: “somebody”)

Anybody, please, help me.
(Indefinite pronoun: “Anybody”)

6-Reciprocal pronouns

These pronouns indicate a relationship where more people or things are performing the same task, like each other and one another.

Reciprocal Pronoun Words
each other, one another

Reciprocal pronoun in Sentences

Jenny and Sarah helped each other with their homework.
(“each other” is the reciprocal pronoun phrase)

The neighbors greeted one another with smiles and waves.
(“one another” is the reciprocal pronoun phrase)

They’ll help each other in preparing for the interview.
(“each other” is the reciprocal pronoun phrase)

7-Dummy pronouns

These pronouns do not have any specific meaning, but they are necessary to build a sentence structure.

Dummy Pronoun Words
it, there

Dummy pronoun in Sentences

It is raining heavily outside.
(dummy pronoun “it” refers to the weather)

There is a package for you at the doorstep.
(dummy pronoun “there” indicates the existence of the package)

It was very cold yesterday.
(dummy pronoun “it” refers to the  cold weather)

8- Reflexive pronouns

These pronouns end with the word self/selves like myself, herself, themselves, himself, ourselves, etc.

List of Reflexive Pronoun Words

Myself, Yourself, Himself, Herself, Itself, Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves

Reflexive pronoun in Sentences

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.
( reflexive pronoun “herself,” mirror, smiled)

They blamed themselves for the mistake they made.
( reflexive pronoun “themselves,” mistake, made)

I’ll do this myself.
(reflexive pronoun is myself)

9-Intensive pronouns

These pronouns look like reflexive pronouns but are used to indicate the strength or emphasis on something.

List of intensive Pronoun Words

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

Intensive pronoun in Sentences

I myself completed the entire project.
( intensive pronoun “myself,” completed, project)

She herself prepared the delicious meal.
( intensive pronoun “herself,” prepared, meal)

I am saying, I’ll handle this matter myself.
( intensive pronoun “myself,”)

10-Possessive pronouns   

These pronouns are used to indicate the possession of something like ours, yours, his, her, mine, etc.

List of Possessive Pronoun Words

mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs

Possessive pronoun in Sentences

This book is mine.
(possessive pronoun “mine,” book)

Is that pen yours?
(possessive pronoun “yours,” pen)

His car is parked outside.
(possessive pronoun “His,” car)

Her house is beautiful.
( possessive pronoun “Her,” house)

Its color is vibrant.
(possessive pronoun “Its,” color)

Example: This book is mine and this one is yours.
(possessive pronoun “mine,” yours)

Types of Pronoun with Examples in English | Pronoun Types

Types of Pronoun with Examples in English | Pronoun Types

Learn all Types of Nouns in English

About the author

Muhammad Waqas

Muhammad Waqas is a dedicated freelance writer and blogger specializing in creating engaging content for English learners. With a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from COMSATS University Islamabad, Muhammad combines his academic expertise with practical teaching experience to help learners improve their English skills.

In addition to his writing, Muhammad has been conducting online English speaking courses worldwide, reaching students from diverse backgrounds and helping them achieve their language goals. His passion for the English language and commitment to education shine through in every article he writes, making complex concepts easy to understand and apply.

Whether you're just starting your English learning journey or looking to refine your skills, Muhammad's insightful posts and interactive courses offer valuable guidance and support. Connect with him to explore the boundless possibilities of mastering English.