
List of Brand Names in English for Pakistani Students

List of Brand Names in English for Pakistani Students
List of Brand Names in English for Pakistani Students

List of Brand Names in English for Pakistani Students. Learn Brand Names in English with their correct Pronunciation. There are many common brand Names that are wrongly pronounced by English learners. you will learn how to actually pronounce those brand names in real life. I have included the most common and famous brand names that are badly pronounced by people. it is very important to learn to pronounce English words correctly. otherwise, the English fluency will be disturbed while speaking it in the wrong manner. Therefore, I have explained the most common Brand names in this article which are so much mispronounced by English learners while speaking English.

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Mispronounced Brand Names

Lamborghini Lambor-gee-nee لیمبر گینی
Sega Se-ga سی-گا
Hyundai Hun-day ہون ڈئے
Adidas Adi-daas اَڈِیڈاس
Asus Aysoo-s ائے سوس
Adobe Ado-bee آڈابی
Amazon Ama-zaan اَمازَان
Levi`s lay-wize لے وائز
Disney Diz-nee ڈِز نی
Rebook Ree-baak رِباک
Mercedes Mar-say-deez مرسیڈیز
Versace Ver-saa-chi وَر ساچی
McDonald Mak-do-nald مَیکڈونلڈ
Samsung Sam-sung سَمسَنگ
Nike Nai-kee نائکی
Hawaii Waa-way واوے
Gucci G00-chee گُوچی
List of Brand Names in English for Pakistani Students

List of Brand Names in English for Pakistani Students

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