
Body Sounds and Noises Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Body Sounds and Noises Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings
Body Sounds and Noises Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Body Sounds and Noises Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings for Spoken English in daily life. This lesson helps learn English vocabulary for different noises of the body that will help you to speak English fluently. There are various noises that are being produced by humans. this lesson will teach you all the English vocabulary words for those different noises. You will learn the meaning of all sounds in English with Urdu explanation which can be helpful to learn and practice English speaking. as human beings, we produce different sounds and noises using our different parts of the body, therefore, it is very necessary to learn English words that should be used to describe all the sounds and noises that are produced by a human body Daily Use English Vocabulary for human sounds names with Urdu for learning English. also, get a pdf of this useful lesson.

Body Sounds Vocabulary

Crunch کرنچ روندنا
Gargle گار گل غرارہ کرنا
Clearing the throat کلرینگ دا تھروٹ گلا صاف کرنا
Smack the lips سمیک دا لپس ہونٹ ملانا
Snort سنورٹ خراٹے مارنا
Growl گرااؤل گرجنا
Burp  برپ ڈکار مارنا
Snore  سنور زور سے سانس لینا
Yawn یان جمائ لینا
Sneeze سنیز چھینکنا
Giggle  گگل ہنسنسا
Tickle ٹکل گدگدی کرنا
Snap سنیپ چٹکی مارنا
Sigh سائی آہ بھرنا
Scream  سکریم چلانا
Whisper  ویسپر سرگوشی کرنا
Whistle  ویسل سیٹی بجانا
Hum ہم گنگنانا
Mumble مبل منہ میں بڑبڑانا
Clap کلیپ تالی مارنا
Pant پیےنٹ ہانپنا
Growl  گراؤل گرجنا/ غرانا
Gasp گیسپ سانس پھولنا
Slurp  سلرپ کھانا کھاتے وقت آوازیں نکالنا
Cracking the knuckles کریکنگ  انگلیاں چٹکانا
Blow  بلو پھونک مارنا
Groan  گراوون کراہنا
Grind the teeth  گراینڈ دا ٹیتھ دانت پیسنا
Body Sounds and Noises Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Body Sounds and Noises Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

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