Modal Verbs Example Sentences

CAN 100 Example Sentences in English – Learn English

Can Use in Example Sentences - Learn English
Written by Muhammad Waqas

100 Examples Using Modal Verb “Can”. Learn 100 Common English Examples with The Word ” CAN”. These are quite easy examples that are used to describe various activists by using the words “CAN”. learning 100 Example sentences with Can will be helpful for learning English. 100 Example sentences with ‘can’ are commonly used by English learners not only in spoken but also in writing. it is really essential to learn and memorize 100 example sentences with ‘Can’  for effective English speaking.

Positive Sentences with “Can”

Subject Can Verb
Can Swim.
She  Can Travel.
He Can jump.


  • I can play cricket.
  • She can swim.
  • You can help him.
  • They can write a letter.
  • Ali can go to school.
  • She can teach English well.
  • She can cook a delicious meal.
  • He can make a cup of tea.
  • We can jump into the river.
  • You can run fast.
  • She can send this letter for you.
  • I can go shopping if you want.
  • We can eat meal outside today.
  • I can go to the concert.
  • I can cook really delicious food.
  • She can drive the new car.
  • I can send an email
  • You can get injured
  • She can get sick
  • I can drive car.
  • You can use my bike
  • Smoking can cause cancer.
  • I can speak five languages.
  • We can help poor people.
  • She can never come home.
  • I can ride the bike well.
  • You can enjoy the birthday party tonight..
  • We can really work hard to get success.
  • She can use MS Word skillfully.
  • I can sing a song.
  • They can dance at the party.
  • She can give me some amount.
  • I can easily pass the exams.
  • He can go to sleep now.
  • Alcohol can cause cancer.
  • The teacher can punish the rude student.
  • She can read many books in a day.
  • We can go to swim every Sunday.
  • I can spend some money on it.
  • She can oil my hair very well.
  • You can ask some questions now.
  • He can write an application to the office.
  • The doctor can give good medicines.
  • She can make dinner for us.
  • He can complete his work by tomorrow.
  • He can tell a lie.
  • I can try to speak French with you.
  • The dog can bite the baby.
  • Ali can get leave from the office.
  • He can send some important emails to me.
Can Use in Positive Example Sentences - Learn English

Can Use in Positive Example Sentences – Learn English

Negative Sentences with “Can”

Subject Can’t Verb
Can’t Swim.
She  Can’t Travel.
He Can’t jump.


    • We cannot travel today.
    • He can’t be serious.
    • I cannot finish it in an hour.
    • She can’t use the computer.
    • She can’t enter this zone without allowance.
    • I can’t climb trees like your brother does.
    • She cannot prepare for the admission.
    • You cannot use my driver for the party.
    • You cannot smoke here.
    • We cannot attend the wedding ceremony.
    • They can’t come to the party this weekend.
    • He can’t make video for his channel today.
    • You cannot make a noise here.
    • We can’t really go to attend the meeting.
    • I can’t study here properly.
    • They can’t go against the politics.
    • Dogs can’t bark in the street due to police.
    • The thief can’t run away.
    • The tailor cannot stitch the cloth.
    • I can’t help poor people due to my less salary.
    • My parents cannot manage to bear my expenses.
    • The scholar can’t give any hate speech.
    • She can’t read fictional novel.
    • My mother can’t walk properly due to illness.
    • You can’t learn English due to less confidence.
    • You can’t play more video games.
Use of Can in Negative Example Sentences - Learn English

Use of Can in Negative Example Sentences – Learn English


Interrogative Sentences with “Can”


Can Subject Verb
Can You Swim?
Can She Travel?
Can we jump?


  • Can you speak French?
  • Can we leave?
  • Can I run another mile?
  • Can we talk on call now?
  • Can she come to my house?
  • Can you take my English class?
  • Can I go to bazar with my friend?
  • Can we play games in the ground?
  • Can they visit my house this weakened?
  • Can you listen to my words?
  • Can he deliver the speech well?
  • Can I sit here and wait for my friends?
  • Can we travel to London by tomorrow?
  • Can you obey your parents?
  • Can she make delicious meal?
  • Can I swim in the pool?
  • Can I get my car back?
  • Can we buy a new house?
  • Can we start another project?
  • Can we go for shopping tonight?
  • Can she teach her a good lesson?
  • Can we stop them spreading hate?
  • Can I offer the charity in old home?
  • Can they get profit good profit?
  • Can we watch Television together?
  • Can Use in Interrogative Example Sentences - Learn English

    Can Use in Interrogative Example Sentences – Learn English


    Download PDF of 90 Examples of COULD 

About the author

Muhammad Waqas

Muhammad Waqas is a dedicated freelance writer and blogger specializing in creating engaging content for English learners. With a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from COMSATS University Islamabad, Muhammad combines his academic expertise with practical teaching experience to help learners improve their English skills.

In addition to his writing, Muhammad has been conducting online English speaking courses worldwide, reaching students from diverse backgrounds and helping them achieve their language goals. His passion for the English language and commitment to education shine through in every article he writes, making complex concepts easy to understand and apply.

Whether you're just starting your English learning journey or looking to refine your skills, Muhammad's insightful posts and interactive courses offer valuable guidance and support. Connect with him to explore the boundless possibilities of mastering English.