
Political Vocabulary in English with Urdu Meanings

Political Vocabulary in English with Urdu Meanings
Political Vocabulary in English with Urdu Meanings

Political Vocabulary in English with Urdu Meanings. learn English Vocabulary For Politics with Urdu Meanings for Speaking English.  It is necessary to learn some good words to talk about politics.

Because learning amazing English Vocabulary about politics will help accurately discuss political affairs. here, I have brought you an amazing pile of English words that are commonly used while discussing politics.

What is a Politics?

Politics is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group, community, or society. It involves the way leaders are chosen, how laws are made, and how resources and power are distributed. Politics influences how people live together and manage conflicts or disagreements.

Political Words in English

Bureaucracy بیورکریسی نوکر شاہی، دفتری حکومت
Dictatorship ڈیکٹیٹر شپ آمریت مطلق، اختیار کلی
Totalitarianism ٹوٹیلی ٹیرازم مطلق انسانی
Illiteracy الی ٹیرسی جہالت، ناخواندگی
Nationalist نیشنلسٹ قوم  پرست
Moderates موڈریسٹ اعتدال پسند
Aristocracy اریسٹو کریسی حکومت امرا، امیر شاہی
Republic, Democracy ڈیماکرسی جمہوریت
Commentator کمنٹیٹر مبصر، رائے زن
Non-violence نان وائلنس عدم تشدد
Capitalists کیپاٹلسٹ سرمایہ دار
Liberals لیبرلز آزاد خیال لوگ
Extremists ایکسٹریمسٹ انتہا پسند
Conservatives کنزرویٹو قدامت پسند
Communalists کمیونیلیسٹ فرقہ پرست
Equal representation ایکوئل رپریزنٹیشن مساوی نمائندگی
No-confidence motion نان کانفی  ڈینسن تحریک عدم اعتماد
Lawlessness لاء لیس الملوکی بد انتظامی
Reactionaries ری ایکشنریز رجعت پسند
Majority میجرٹی اکثریت، سن بلوغ
Minority مینارٹی اقلیت، نا بالغی
Law and order لاء اینڈ آرڈر امن و انتظام
Disciplinary action ڈیسیپنلری ایکشن تادیبی کاروائی
Autocracy آٹو کریسی مطلق العنان،سخصی راج

Political Terms 

Term Definition
Democracy A system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting.
Republic A form of government where leaders are elected and have limited power.
Monarchy A political system where a single person, the monarch, rules the country.
Constitution A set of laws that define the structure and functions of a government.
Parliament The legislative body responsible for making laws in a country.
Legislature A group of elected officials who create, amend, and pass laws.
Elections A process through which citizens choose leaders or decide on issues.
Political Party An organized group of people with similar political beliefs and goals.
Bipartisanship Cooperation between two major political parties.
Ideology A set of beliefs or ideas that guide political actions.
Campaign Organized efforts to influence the outcome of elections or political decisions.
Lobbying Attempting to influence government policies or decisions through advocacy.
Citizenship The status of being a member of a nation with rights and responsibilities.
Coup d’état A sudden, violent overthrow of a government or leader.
Autocracy A system of government where one person holds absolute power.

Some Common Political Idioms

  • Toe the party line

Meaning: اپنی پارٹی کے اصول بنانا

You will have to learn the toe to the party if you want to join it.

  • Press the flesh

Meaning: ہاتھ ملنا

You will have to do press fleshing in order to do elections campaign.

  • To Vote with Your feet

Meaning: چھوڑ دینا

She made it clear to me that i can easily vote with my feet if i don’t like the job.

  • One-two horse tree

Meaning: ایسا الیکشن جس کے جیتنے والے کم ہوں

That election proved to be just one-two horse tree.

  • Political hot Potato

Meaning: کچھ خطرناک اور پریشان کن

The scandal of our prime minster will be a political hot potato in the upcoming election.

  • To get off soapbox

Meaning کسی بات کے متعلق بہت زیادہ بات کرنا

When any of the politician gets on his soapbox, nothing is able to stop that.

Political Vocabulary in English with Urdu Meanings

Political Vocabulary in English with Urdu Meanings

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