English to Urdu Vocabulary Vocabulary

Vocabulary for Reptiles and insects with Urdu Meanings PDF

Vocabulary for Reptiles and insects with Urdu Meanings PDF
Vocabulary for Reptiles and insects with Urdu Meanings PDF

Vocabulary for Reptiles and Insects with Urdu Meanings PDF for English Speaking practice in everyday life daily use English vocabulary for Reptiles and insects to learn English fluently. English language learning can be quite an easy way to learn only when you intend to learn English words that are used in daily life. They play an important part in building your Vocabulary and also you get a chance to improve your English Vocabulary. In this article, we have talked about some insects’ names in English that we see them creeping into daily life. learning English vocabulary for those insects will help practice English Speaking. Also, get a pdf of this lesson for revision from the link below.

insects Vocabulary in English 

Grasshopper ٹڈا
Leech جونک
Tadpole مینڈک کا بچہ
Toad بڑا مینڈک
Tortoise کچھوا
Wasp بھڑ
Weasel نیولا
White ant دیمک
Termite دیمک
Cricket جھینگر
Dragon اژدھا
Flea پسو
Lizard چھپکلی
Locust ٹڈی
Louse جوں
Mole چھچھوندر
Mosquito مچھر
Moth پتنگا
Scorpion بچھو
Python اژدھا
Alligator مگرمچھ
Ant چیونٹی
Bee شہد کی مکھی
Beetle بینڈا،بھونرا
Bug کھٹمل
Butterfly تتلی
Caterpillar تتلی
Centipede کنکھجورا
Cobra ناگ
Crab کیکڑا
Serpent سانپ
Shell سیپی
Silk worm ریشم کا کپڑا
Snail گھونگا
Snake سانپ
Spider مکڑا
Fly مکھی
Frog مینڈک
Germ جراثیم
Glow-worm جگنو
Vocabulary for Reptiles and Insects with urdu Meanings PDF

Vocabulary for Reptiles and Insects with Urdu Meanings PDF

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