
Medical and Hospital English Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Medical and Hospital English Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings
Medical and Hospital English Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Learn Medical and Hospital English Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings for English speaking Practice in daily life. This lesson helps learn English Vocabulary words that are used in the Hospital.  these Daily use Words will be helpful to speak English fluently at the hospital. There are many different terms and things used in the hospital which names you will learn in this article.  you will also learn words to talk about the medical field which will be useful to practice your English speaking.
As an English learner, it is essential for you to learn basic English words which are quite important for improving English. by learning English words, you want to make sure that you can now learn better English as without sufficient words one can never learn proper English. Hospital Related Vocabulary will help you improve your English Conversations. If you want to understand these English words you can also catch our video on this topic that will help you know the accurate pronunciation of these words.

Hospital Vocabulary in English 

Emergency ward ہنگامی کمرہ
Doctor ڈاکٹر
Medicine دوائ
Nurse نرس
Waiting room انتظار والی جگہ
Prescription ڈاکٹر کا نسخہ
Checkup معائنہ کرنا
Outpatient بیرونی مریض
Appointment ملنے کا معاہدہ
Midwife دائ
Hospital cot ہسپتال کا بستر
Doctor’s office ڈاکڑ کا دفتر
Patient مریض
Thermometer تھرمامیٹر
Injection انجکشن
Cleaner صفائی والا
Hospital gown ہسپتال کا یونیفارم
Hospital receptionist ہسپتال کی استقبالیہ
Call button بلانے والا بٹن
Surgery جسمانی آپریشن
Diagnosis بیماری کا پتہ لگانا
Plaster پلستر
Crutches بیساکھی
Bandage پٹی
Wheelchair مفلوج کی کرسی
Clinic چھوٹا ہسپتال
Ambulance ایمبولنس
Operation آپریشن
Operating room آپریشن والا کمرہ
Stethoscope صدر بین، سماعتی آلہ
Ward ہسپتال کا کمرہ
Mask ماسک
Medical and Hospital English Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Medical and Hospital English Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

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