
200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings

200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings
200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings

200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings. Learn Common Verbs that are used in daily life to speak English. These Verbs are most commonly used not only in writing but also speaking.  in order to speak English, it is really integral to learn basic english verbs that really are quite effective for improving english spoken. Learn these basic english verbs that every english learner and beginner must memorize to make his speaking journey easier.

200 Regular Verbs In English

Present Meaning Past Past Participle
Murder قتل کرنا Murdered Murdered
Punish سزا دینا Punished Punished
Place رکھنا Placed Placed
Release چھوڑنا Released Released
Remember یاد رکھنا Remembered Remembered
Rush لپکنا، بڑھنا Rushed Rushed
Owe مقروض ہونا Owed Owed
Obtain حاصل کرنا Obtained Obtained
Ruin تباہ کرنا Ruined Ruined
Precede آگے بڑھنا Preceded Preceded
Prick ایڑ لگانا Pricked Pricked
Repeat دوہرانا Repeated Repeated
Memorize یاد کرنا Memorized Memorized
Polish پالش کرنا Polished Polished
Play کھیلنا Played Played
Prevent بچانا Prevented Prevented
Please خوش ہونا Pleased Pleased
Pray دعا کرنا Prayed Prayed
Crawl رینگنا Crawled Crawled
Blush شرمانا Blushed Blushed
Cross پار کرنا Crossed Crossed
Carry اٹھانا Carried Carried
Deceive دھوکہ دینا Deceived Deceived
Continue جاری رکھنا Continued Continued
Arrange ترتیب دینا Arranged Arranged
Appreciate قدردانی کرنا Appreciated Appreciated
Complete مکمل کرنا Completed Completed
Confess اعتراف کرنا Confessed Confessed
Satisfy مطمئن ہونا Satisfied Satisfied
Pause رکنا Paused Paused
Permit اجازت دینا Permitted Permitted
Reach پہنچنا Reached Reached
Reflect عکس ڈالنا Reflected Reflected
Rule حکومت کرنا Ruled Ruled
Sail بادبانی کرنا Sailed Sailed
Raise اٹھنا Raised Raised
Object اعتراض کرنا Objected Objected
Obey حکم ماننا Obeyed Obeyed
Move حرکت کرنا Moved Moved
200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings

200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English


Present Meaning Past Past Participle
Check دیکھنا Checked Checked
Dance ناچنا Danced Danced
Decay ختم ہونا Decayed Decayed
Bore سستانا Bored Bored
Observe مشاہدہ کرنا Observed Observed
Consider سمجھنا Considered Considered
Contain مشتمل ہونا Contained Contained
Disapprove ناپسند کرنا Disapproved Disapproved
Divide تقسیم کرنا Divided Divided
Dislike ناپسند کرنا Disliked Disliked
Consult رجوع کرنا Consulted Consulted
Command حاکم ہونا Commanded Commanded
Boil ابالنا Boiled Boiled
Applaud اظہار کرنا Applauded Applauded
Borrow ادھار لینا Borrowed Borrowed
Book رجسٹر کرنا Booked Booked
Choke دبانا Choked Choked
Clear واضح کرنا Cleared Cleared
Crush مسلنا Crushed Crushed
Detect تلاش کرنا Detected Detected
Brush برش کرنا Brushed Brushed
Present پیش کرنا Presented Presented
Suspect شک کرنا Suspected Suspected
Push دھکیلنا Pushed Pushed
Pull کھینچنا Pulled Pulled
Spoil بگاڑنا Applied Applied
Wash دھونا Washed Washed
Clean صاف کرنا Cleaned Cleaned
Talk بات کرنا Talked Talked
Race دوڑ لگانا Raced Raced
Fence روکنا Fenced Fenced
Soothe تسکین دینا Soothed Soothed
Suffer سہنا Suffered Suffered
Vanish غائب ہونا Vanished Vanished
Collect اکٹھے کرنا Collected Collected
Affect اثرانداز ہونا Affected Affected
Concern غرض رکھنا Concerned Concerned
Cure علاج کرنا Cured Cured
Afford برداشت کرنا Afforded Afforded
200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings

200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English


Present Meaning Past Past Participle
Whisper سرگوشی کرنا Whispered Whispered
Wonder حیران ہونا Wondered Wondered
Wrap تہہ لگانا Wrapped Wrapped
Zoom غور سے دیکھنا Zoomed Zoomed
Yell چیخنا Yelled Yelled
Thank شکریہ ادا کرنا Thanked Thanked
Trap پھنسانا Trapped Trapped
Reject منسوخ کرنا Rejected Rejected
Report خبر دینا Reported Reported
Return لوٹنا Returned Returned
Rain بارش ہونا Rained Rained
Spark چنگاری نکلنا Sparked Sparked
Suggest مشورہ دینا Suggested Suggested
Terrify ڈرانا Terrified Terrified
Type لکھنا Typed Typed
Try کوشش کرنا Tried Tried
Roll گھمانا Rolled Rolled
Yawn جمائی لینا Yawned Yawned
Risk خطرے میں ہونا Risked Risked
Horrify ڈرانا Horrified Horrified
Realize احساس کرنا Realized Realized
Remain رہنا Remained Remained
Copy نقل کرنا Copied Copied
Damage نقصان ہونا Damaged Damaged
Chew چبانا Chewed Chewed
Clap تالی بجانا Clapped Clapped
Change بدلنا Changed Changed
Earn کمانا Earned Earned
Expect توقع رکھنا Expected Expected
Bow مُڑا ہونا Bowed Bowed
Calculate حساب کتاب کرنا Calculated Calculated
Delight پسند آنا Delighted Delighted
Question سوال کرنا Questioned Questioned
Stop رکنا Stopped Stopped
Refuse انکار کرنا Refused Refused
Record اندراج رکھنا Recorded Recorded
Retire کنارہ کرلینا Retired Retired
Remind یاد دلانا Reminded Reminded
Trust بھروسہ کرنا Trusted Trusted
200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings

200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English

Present Meaning Past Past Participle
File منظم ہونا Filed Filed
Escape آزاد ہونا Escaped Escaped
Develop ترقی کرنا Developed Developed
Agree تسلیم کرنا Agreed Agreed
Admire تعریف کرنا Admired Admired
Add جمع کرنا Added Added
Announce اعلان کرنا Announced Announced
Annoy پریشان ہونا Annoyed Annoyed
Argue بات چیت کرنا Argued Argued
Ask پوچھنا Asked Asked
Attend شامل ہونا Attended Attended
Exist ظاہر ہونا Existed Existed
Explain بیان کرنا Explained Explained
  Fasten تیز کرنا Fastened Fastened
Avoid بچنا، دور رہنا Avoided Avoided
Beg بھیک مانگنا Begged Begged
Amuse دلچسپ ہونا Amused Amused
Attach جُڑے ہونا Attached Attached
Back پیچھے ہونا Backed Backed
Attract توجہ لینا Attracted Attracted
Press استری کرنا Pressed Pressed
Bury دفن کرنا Buried Buried
Close بند کرنا Closed Closed
Kill قتل کرنا Compared Compared
Disagree اختلاف کرنا Disagreed Disagreed
Eliminate خارج کرنا Eliminated Eliminated
Compete مقابلہ کرنا Competed Competed
Finish ختم کرنا Finished Finished
Hate نفرت کرنا Hated Hated
Act اداکاری کرنا Acted Acted
Love پیار کرنا Loved Loved
Order حکم دینا Ordered Ordered
Organize تیار کرنا Organized Organized
Cause وجہ ہونا Caused Caused
Drip قطرہ ٹپکنا Dripped Dripped
Discover دریافت کرنا Discovered Discovered
Arrive پہنچنا Arrived Arrived
Ban منع کرنا، روکنا Banned Banned
Deliver دینا Delivered Delivered


Present Meaning Past Past Participle
Protect حفاظت کرنا Protected Protected
Pack پیک کرنا Packed Packed
Underline خط کشیدہ کرنا Underlined Underlined
Want چاہنا Wanted Wanted
Mark نشان لگانا Marked Marked
Imagine تصور کرنا Imagined Imagined
Die مرنا Died Died
Dye رنگنا Dyed Dyed
Behave سلوک کرنا Behaved Behaved
Pass گزرنا Passed Passed
Fail ناکام ہونا Failed Failed
Review جائزہ لینا Reviewed Reviewed
Shop خریدنا Shopped Shopped
Turn پلٹنا Turned Turned
Name نام رکھنا Named Named
Decorate سجانا Decorated Decorated
Need ضرورت ہونا Needed Needed
Perform ادا کرنا Performed Performed
Slow آہستہ ہونا Slowed Slowed
Enjoy لطف اندوز ہونا Enjoyed Enjoyed
Close بند کرنا Closed Closed
Bake دم دینا Baked Baked
Disturb پریشان کرنا Disturbed Disturbed
Follow پیروی کرنا Followed Followed
Fry پکانا Fried Fried
Identify پہچاننا Identified Identified
Hunt شکار کرنا Hunted Hunted
Accept قبول کرنا Accepted Accepted
Dry خشک کرنا Dried Dried
Compare تشبیہ دینا Compared Compared
End ختم کرنا Ended Ended
Greet مِلنا Greeted Greeted
Invite دعوت دینا Invited Invited
Manage انتظام کرنا Managed Managed
Match مِلانا Matched Matched
Open کھولنا Opened Opened
Disarm ہتھیار چھین لینا Disarmed Disarmed
Join جوڑنا Joined Joined
Knock کھٹکھٹانا Knocked Knocked
Paint بنانا Painted Painted
200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings

200 Most Common Regular Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings

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