500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms. List of Synonyms and Antonyms from a to z. learn common synonyms and antonyms that are used in daily life to practice English speaking. a synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the similar meaning. learn all synonyms with their antonyms in English.
Common Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms | Antonyms | |
1. | God | Satan |
2. | Surrender | Resist |
3. | Successful | Unsuccessful |
4. | Mock | Praise |
5. | Import | Export |
6. | Strange | Normal |
7. | Loyal | Disloyal |
8. | Combine | Break |
9. | Real | Fake |
10. | Wild | Civilized |
11. | Magnificent | Ridiculous |
12. | God | Satan |
13. | Marry | Divorce |
14. | Honest | Dishonest |
15. | Temporary | Permanent |
16. | Barren | Fertile |
17. | Vicious | Virtuous |
18. | Long | Short |
19. | Assertive | Ambiguous |
20. | Dirty | Clean |
21. | Beautiful | Ugly |
22. | Careful | Careless |
23. | Alone | Crowd |
24. | Generate | Demolish |
25. | Freeze | Melt |
26. | Shallow | Deep |
27. | Light | Dark |
28. | Learner | Teacher |
29. | Permit | Prohibit |
30. | Generate | Demolish |
31. | Decline | Rise |
32. | Different | Same, similar |
33. | Peaceful | Violent |
34. | Conscious | Unconscious |
35. | Trust | Doubt |
36. | Solid | Liquid |
37. | Preceding | Following |
38. | Immoral | Moral |
39. | Build | Destroy |
40. | Strong | Weak |
41. | Mature | Immature |
42. | Increase | Decrease |
43. | Live | Die |
44. | Rich | Poor |
45. | Foreigner | Native |
46. | Added | Subtracted |
47. | Respect | Insult |
48. | Easy | Difficult |
49. | Famed | Defamed |
50. | Arrogant | Polite |
51. | Ease | Trouble |
52. | Beginning | Ending |
53. | Optimist | Pessimist |
54. | Enjoyed | Bored |
55. | Chasten | Impure |
56. | Love | Hate |
57. | Explore | Cover |
58. | Noise | Calm |
59. | Productive | Unproductive |
60. | Aware | Unaware |
61. | Famous | Notorious |
62. | Connect | Disconnect |
63. | Paralleled | Unparalleled |
64. | Earth | Sky |
65. | Some | All, Whole |
66. | Water | Fire |
67. | Offense | Defense |
68. | Crying | Laughing |
69. | Assure | Doubt |
70. | Brave | Coward |
71. | Idealist | Pessimist |
72. | Tight | Loose |
73. | Opened | Closed |
74. | Healthy | Unhealthy |
75. | Ancient | Modern |
76. | Incoming | Outgoing |
77. | Artificial | Natural |
78. | Order | Disorder |
79. | Profit | Loss |
80. | Open-minded | Narrow-minded |
81. | Patience | Impatience |
82. | Complete | Incomplete |
83. | Assert | Remit |
84. | Shriek | Silent |
85. | Long | Short |
86. | Romantic | Classical |
87. | Educated | Uneducated |
88. | Encourage | Discourage |
89. | Usual | Unusual |
90. | Legal | Illegal |
91. | Truth | Lie |
92. | Logical | Illogical |
93. | Swim | Drown |
94. | Reveal | Closed |
95. | Mortal | Immortal |
96. | Conflicting | Alike |
97. | Sharp | Dull |
98. | Romantic | Classical |
99. | Educated | Uneducated |
100. | Encourage | Discourage |
101. | Usual | Unusual |
102. | Legal | Illegal |
103. | Truth | Lie |
104. | Logical | Illogical |
105. | Swim | Drown |
106. | Reveal | Closed |
107. | Mortal | Immortal |
108. | Conflicting | Alike |
109. | Locked | Unlocked |
110. | Success | Failure |
111. | King | Slave |
112. | War | Peace |
113. | Virtuous | Sinful |
114. | Courteous | Rude |
115. | Social | Antisocial |
116. | Knowledge | Ignorance |
117. | Diplomatic | Straight forward |
118. | Official | Unofficial |
119. | Advantage | Disadvantage |
120. | Wandered | Settled |
121. | Forgive | Punish |
122. | Fortune | Misfortune |
123. | Honored | Dishonored |
124. | Break | Join |
125. | Intelligent | Silly |
126. | Pass | Fail |
127. | Hard | Soft |
128. | Rough | Smooth |
129. | Fresh | Rotten |
130. | Divided | Multiplied |
131. | Tranquil | Amicable, Calm |
132. | Transparent | Diaphanous |
133. | Tremble | Vibrate |
134. | Uncouth | Awkward, ungraceful |
135. | Utterly | Completely, entirely |
136. | Umbrage | Chagrin, offense |
137. | Uncouth | Boorish, Clownish |
138. | Urchin | Foundling, Orphan |
139. | Urge | Incite, Implore |
140. | Vain | Arrogant, egoistic |
141. | Vagrant | Wander, roaming |
142. | Valor | Bravery, prowess |
143. | Vanity | Conceit, pretension |
144. | Venerable | Esteemed, honored |
145. | Venom | Poison, malevolence |
146. | Veteran | Ingenious, experienced |
147. | Vicious | Corrupt, obnoxious |
148. | Vigilant | Cautious, alert |
149. | Vivacious | Spirited, Energetic |
150. | Vilify | Malign, Slur, Defame |
151. | Vouch | Confirm, consent |
152. | Virtue | Ethic, morality |
153. | Vivid | Eloquent, lucid |
154. | Waive | Relinquish, remove |
155. | Wan | Pale, faded |
156. | Wane | Decline, Dwindle |
157. | Wary | cautious, circumspect |
158. | Wed | marry, combine |
159. | Wicked | vicious, immoral |
160. | Wield | Exert, employ |
161. | Wile | Trickery, Artifice |
162. | Winsome | Beautiful, Comely |
163. | Wilt | wither, perish |
164. | Yell | shout, shriek |
165. | Yield | surrender abdicate |
166. | Yearn | languish, crave |
167. | Yoke | connect, harness |
168. | Zeal | eagerness, fervor |
169. | Zenith | summit, apex |
170. | Zest | delight, enthusiasm |
171. | Sporadic | intermittent, scattered |
172. | Spry | Nimble, Brisk |
173. | Squalid | dirty, filthy |
174. | Successful | Propitious, Felicitous |
175. | Sterile | Barren, Impotent |
176. | Stupor | lethargy, unconsciousness |
177. | Subsequent | consequent, following |
178. | Substantial | Considerable, solid |
179. | Subvert | Demolish, sabotage |
180. | Superficial | Partial, shallow |
181. | Sycophant | Parasite, flatterer |
182. | Taboo | Prohibit, ban |
183. | Taciturn | Reserved, silent |
184. | Tedious | Wearisome. Irksome |
185. | Temperate | Cool, moderate |
186. | Tenement | Apartment, Digs |
187. | Tenacious | Stubborn, Dodge |
188. | Throng | Assembly, crowd |
189. | Timid | Diffident, coward |
190. | Tranquil | Peaceful, composed |
191. | Transient | Temporal, transitory |
192. | Trenchant | Assertive, forceful |
193. | Treacherous | Dishonest, duplicitous |
194. | Trivial | Trifling, insignificant |
195. | Tumultuous | Violent, riotous |
196. | Tyro | Beginner, riotous |
197. | Tame | Compliant, Subdued |
198. | Terse | Incisive, Compact |
199. | Thick | Chunky, massive |
200. | Feud | strife, quarrel |
201. | Fluctuate | deflect, vacillate |
202. | Forsake | desert, renounce |
203. | Fragile | weak, infirm |
204. | Frantic | violent, agitated |
205. | Frivolous | petty, worthless |
206. | Frugality | economy, providence |
207. | Gather | Converge, huddle |
208. | Gloom | obscurity, darkness |
209. | Glut | stuff, satiate |
210. | Gorgeous | magnificent, dazzling |
211. | Gracious | courteous, beneficent |
212. | Grisly | disgusting, atrocious |
213. | Grudge | hatred, aversion |
214. | Guile | cunning, deceit |
215. | Generosity | Altruism, bounty |
216. | Genuine | Absolute, Factual |
217. | Gloomy | Bleak, cloudy |
218. | Glory | Dignity, renown |
219. | Hamper | retard, prevent |
220. | Hapless | unfortunate, ill-fated |
221. | Harass | irritate, molest |
222. | Haughty | arrogant, pompous |
223. | Hazard | Peril, danger |
224. | Heretic | non-conformist, secularist |
225. | Hideous | frightful, shocking |
226. | Hamstrung | Cripple Debilitate |
227. | Harmony | Conformity, Amicability |
228. | Hasty | Abrupt, Impetuous |
229. | Honor | Adoration, Reverence |
230. | Humble | Meek, Timid |
231. | Humility | Resignation, Fawning |
232. | Hypocrisy | Deception, Pharisaism |
233. | Impenitent | Uncontrite, Obdurate |
234. | Impulsive | Flaky, Impetuous |
235. | Indifferent | Equitable, Haughty |
236. | Indigent | Destitute, Impoverished |
237. | Infernal | Damned, Accursed |
238. | Insipid | Tedious, Prosaic |
239. | Interesting | Enchanting, Riveting |
240. | Immaculate | unsullied, spotless |
241. | Immense | huge, enormous |
242. | Immerse | submerge, involve |
243. | Imminent | impending, brewing |
244. | Immunity | prerogative, privilege |
245. | Impair | diminish, deteriorate |
246. | Impartial | just, unbiased |
247. | Impediment | hurdle, obstruction |
248. | Impious | irreligious, unholy |
249. | Impute | attribute, ascribe |
250. | Inclination | disposition, affection |
251. | Incompetent | inefficient, unskilled |
252. | Incongruous | inappropriate, absurd |
253. | Inevitable | unavoidable, ascertained |
254. | Infringe | violate, encroach |
255. | Ingenuous | undisguised, naive |
256. | Insinuate | allude, hint |
257. | Insipid | tasteless, vapid |
258. | Insolvent | indigent, destitute |
259. | Instill | inculcate, inject |
260. | Intricate | tangled, complicated |
261. | Intrigue | scheme, conspiracy |
262. | Intrinsic | genuine, fundamental |
263. | Invective | accusation, censure |
264. | Invincible | unconquerable, impregnable |
265. | Irrepressible | irresistible, unconfined |
266. | Immaculate | Exquisite, Impeccable |
267. | Jaded | tired, exhausted |
268. | Precarious | doubtful, insecure |
269. | Predicament | plight, dilemma |
270. | Quack | Impostor, deceiver |
271. | Quaint | Queer, strange |
272. | Quarantine | seclude, screen |
273. | Quell | subdue, reduce |
274. | Quibble | equivocate, prevaricate |
275. | Raid | Incursion, Foray |
276. | Rapidity | Quickness, Velocity |
277. | Reason | Acumen, Bounds |
278. | Rebellious | Restless, attacking |
279. | Rectify | Amend, Remedy |
280. | Reluctant | Cautious, Averse |
281. | Restrain | Detain, Confine |
282. | Ratify | consent, approve |
283. | Ravage | Destroy, ruin |
284. | Redeem | Recover, liberate |
285. | Remnant | Residue, piece |
286. | Remonstrate | Censure, protest |
287. | Remorse | Regret, penitence |
288. | Rescind | Annul, abrogate |
289. | Resentment | Displeasure, wrath |
290. | Retract | Recant, withdraw |
291. | Reverence | Respect, esteem |
292. | Rout | Vanquish, overthrow |
293. | Rustic | Rural, uncivilized |
294. | Ruthless | Remorseless, inhumane |
295. | Sacred | Cherish, Divine |
296. | Savage | Wild, untamed |
297. | Savage | Wild, untamed |
298. | Startled | Frightened, Shocked |
299. | Steep | Course, lofty |
300. | Stranger | Immigrant, guest |
301. | Sublime | Magnificent, eminent |
302. | Succinct | Concise, Terse |
303. | Jejune | dull, boring |
304. | Jovial | frolicsome, cheerful |
305. | Jubilant | rejoicing, triumphant |
306. | Judicious | thoughtful, prudent |
307. | Just | honest, impartial |
308. | Justify | defend, exculpate |
309. | Juvenile | young, tender |
310. | Keen | sharp, poignant |
311. | Kindred | relation, species |
312. | Knave | dishonest, scoundrel |
313. | Knell | death knell, last blow |
314. | Knotty | complicated difficult |
315. | Lavish | abundant, excessive |
316. | Lax | slack, careless |
317. | Lenient | compassionate, merciful |
318. | Liable | accountable, bound |
319. | Liberal | magnanimous, generous |
320. | Linger | loiter, prolong |
321. | Lucid | sound, rational |
322. | Lunacy | delusion, insanity |
323. | Lure | attract, entice |
324. | Luscious | palatable, delicious |
325. | Luxuriant | profuse, abundant |
326. | Languid | Sluggish, apathetic |
327. | Malice | Vengefulness, grudge |
328. | Mandatory | Imperative, requisite |
329. | Masculine | Gallant, strapping |
330. | Merit | Stature, Asset |
331. | Miraculous | marvelous, extraordinary |
332. | Mitigate | alleviate, relieve |
333. | Modest | humble, courteous |
334. | Molest | harass, tease |
335. | Mollify | appease, assuage |
336. | Momentous | notable, eventful |
337. | Monotonous | irksome, tedious |
338. | Morbid | Nasty, Macabre |
339. | Munificent | liberal, hospitable |
340. | Murky | dusky, dreary |
341. | Mutinous | recalcitrant, insurgent |
342. | Mutual | joint, identical |
343. | Niggardly | miser, covetous |
344. | Nimble | prompt, brisk |
345. | Nonchalant | indifferent, negligent |
346. | Novice | tyro, beginner |
347. | Noxious | baneful, injurious |
348. | Nullify | cancel, annual |
349. | Jejune | dull, boring |
350. | Jovial | frolicsome, cheerful |
351. | Jubilant | rejoicing, triumphant |
352. | Judicious | thoughtful, prudent |
353. | Just | honest, impartial |
354. | Justify | defend, exculpate |
355. | Juvenile | young, tender |
356. | Keen | sharp, poignant |
357. | Kindred | relation, species |
358. | Knave | dishonest, scoundrel |
359. | Knell | death knell, last blow |
360. | Knotty | complicated difficult |
361. | Lavish | abundant, excessive |
362. | Lax | slack, careless |
363. | Lenient | compassionate, merciful |
364. | Liable | accountable, bound |
365. | Liberal | magnanimous, generous |
366. | Linger | loiter, prolong |
367. | Lucid | sound, rational |
368. | Sarcastic | Ironical, derisive |
369. | Saucy | Impudent, insolent |
370. | Scanty | scarce, insufficient |
371. | Servile | Slavish, Docile |
372. | Shabby | miserable, impoverished |
373. | Slander | defame, malign |
374. | Sneer | mock, scorn |
375. | Solicit | entreat, implore |
376. | Subterfuge | Deceit, Stratagem |
377. | Stain | blemish, tarnish |
378. | Oracular | cryptic, vague |
379. | Ordain | Order, impose |
380. | Ornamental | decorative, adorned |
381. | Outbreak | eruption, insurrection |
382. | Outrage | offence, maltreatment |
383. | Pacify | Appease, Chasten |
384. | Persuade | Cajole, Impress |
385. | Perturbed | Flustered, anxious |
386. | Propagate | Inseminate, fecundate |
387. | Progress | Pace, Betterment |
388. | Prompt | Precise, Punctual |
389. | Prudence | Vigilance, Discretion |
390. | Pamper | Flatter, indulge |
391. | Paramount | foremost, eminent |
392. | Peerless | matchless, unrivalled |
393. | Peevish | perverse, sullen |
394. | Pertness | flippancy, impudence |
395. | Perverse | petulant, obstinate |
396. | Placid | tranquil, calm |
397. | Pompous | haughty, arrogant |
398. | Oracular | cryptic, vague |
399. | Ordain | Order, impose |
400. | punish, admonish | Cheer, encourage |