English to Urdu Vocabulary Vocabulary

59 English Vocabulary Words for Beginners with Urdu Meanings

59 English Vocabulary Words for Beginners with Urdu Meanings
59 English Vocabulary Words for Beginners with Urdu Meanings

59 English Vocabulary Words for Beginners with Urdu Meanings. Learn daily use English vocabulary words to practice English speaking for beginners. these are the most common English words that every English learner would like to learn to improve their English fluency.
59 English Vocabulary Words for Beginners with Urdu Meanings. Basic English Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings for English Speaking. This lesson helps learn the most common English words that every English learner wants to learn to improve their English fluency. These words will add great fluency to your English speaking. English to Urdu vocabulary for beginners to learn English and practice.

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59 English Vocabulary Words 

Optimist پُر امید
integrity دیانتداری
indistinct غیر واضح
Essential ضروری
Vague مبہم، غیرواضح
Swallow ہڑپ کر جانا
Somehow کسی نہ کسی طرح
Enthusiasm جوش ،و لولہ
Curious پر تجسس
Extensive کشادہ
Forbid منع کرنا، روکنا
Violence تشدد
Courage حوصلہ
Accurate ٹھیک، درست
Evident واضح
Fortunate خوش قسمت
Desperate مایوس کن، بےتاب
Sandpaper ریگ مال
Verily واقعی
Demerit خامی
Besmirch گندہ کرنا
Despair مایوسی
Merely محض
Predicate پیش گوئی کرنا
Commitment معاہدہ
Ado زحمت کرنا
Disarm ہتھیار چھین لینا
Eliminate خارج کرنا
Whisper سرگوشی کرنا
Wrap تہہ لگانا
Chew چبانا
Remind یاد دلانا
Yell چلانا
Trap پھنسانا
Yawn جمائی لینا
Suspect شک کرنا
Crap فضول
Captious نقطہ چینی کرنیوالا
Rely بھروسہ کرنا
Sentiment جذبات
Commendable قابِل تعریف
Soothe تسکین دینا
Vanish غائب ہونا
Flattery چاپلوسی
Tendency رجحان، میلان
Sufficient کافی
Refuse انکار کرنا
Eventually آخر کار
Decay گلنا، سڑنا
Contain مشتمل ہونا
Applaud تعریف کرنا
Confess اعتراف کرنا
Consequence نتیجہ
Priority فوقیت
Precede آگے بڑھنا
Ruin تباہ کرنا
imitate نقل کرنا
Pathetic قابلِ افسوس
Superstitious وہمی
59 English Vocabulary Words for Beginners with Urdu Meanings

59 Basic English Vocabulary Words

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