
500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms & Antonyms

500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms
500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms

500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms. List of Synonyms and Antonyms from a to z. learn common synonyms and antonyms that are used in daily life to practice English speaking. a synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the similar meaning. learn all synonyms with their antonyms in English.

Common Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms  Antonyms
1. God Satan
2. Surrender Resist
3. Successful Unsuccessful
4. Mock Praise
5. Import Export
6. Strange Normal
7. Loyal Disloyal
8. Combine Break
9. Real Fake
10. Wild Civilized
11. Magnificent Ridiculous
12. God Satan
13. Marry Divorce
14. Honest Dishonest
15. Temporary Permanent
16. Barren Fertile
17. Vicious Virtuous
18. Long Short
19. Assertive Ambiguous
20. Dirty Clean
21. Beautiful Ugly
22. Careful Careless
23. Alone Crowd
24. Generate Demolish
25. Freeze Melt
26. Shallow Deep
27. Light Dark
28. Learner Teacher
29. Permit Prohibit
30. Generate Demolish
31. Decline Rise
32. Different Same, similar
33. Peaceful Violent
34. Conscious Unconscious
35. Trust Doubt
36. Solid Liquid
37.  Preceding Following
38. Immoral Moral
39. Build Destroy
40. Strong Weak
41. Mature Immature
42. Increase Decrease
43. Live Die
44. Rich Poor
45. Foreigner Native
46. Added Subtracted
47. Respect Insult
48. Easy Difficult
49. Famed Defamed
50. Arrogant Polite
51. Ease Trouble
52. Beginning Ending
53. Optimist Pessimist
54. Enjoyed Bored
55. Chasten Impure
56. Love Hate
57. Explore Cover
58. Noise Calm
59. Productive Unproductive
60. Aware Unaware
61. Famous Notorious
62. Connect Disconnect
63. Paralleled Unparalleled
64. Earth Sky
65. Some All, Whole
66. Water Fire
67. Offense Defense
68. Crying Laughing
69. Assure Doubt
70. Brave Coward
71. Idealist Pessimist
72. Tight Loose
73. Opened Closed
74. Healthy Unhealthy
75. Ancient Modern
76. Incoming Outgoing
77. Artificial Natural
78. Order Disorder
79. Profit Loss
80. Open-minded Narrow-minded
81. Patience Impatience
82. Complete Incomplete
83. Assert Remit
84. Shriek Silent
85. Long Short
86. Romantic Classical
87. Educated Uneducated
88. Encourage Discourage
89. Usual Unusual
90. Legal Illegal
91. Truth Lie
92. Logical Illogical
93. Swim Drown
94. Reveal Closed
95. Mortal Immortal
96. Conflicting Alike
97. Sharp Dull
98. Romantic Classical
99. Educated Uneducated
100. Encourage Discourage
101. Usual Unusual
102. Legal Illegal
103. Truth Lie
104. Logical Illogical
105. Swim Drown
106. Reveal Closed
107. Mortal Immortal
108. Conflicting Alike
109. Locked Unlocked
110. Success Failure
111. King Slave
112. War Peace
113. Virtuous Sinful
114. Courteous Rude
115. Social Antisocial
116. Knowledge Ignorance
117. Diplomatic Straight forward
118. Official Unofficial
119. Advantage Disadvantage
120. Wandered Settled
121. Forgive Punish
122. Fortune Misfortune
123. Honored Dishonored
124. Break Join
125. Intelligent Silly
126. Pass Fail
127. Hard Soft
128. Rough Smooth
129. Fresh Rotten
130. Divided Multiplied
131. Tranquil Amicable, Calm
132. Transparent Diaphanous
133. Tremble Vibrate
134. Uncouth Awkward, ungraceful
135. Utterly Completely, entirely
136. Umbrage Chagrin, offense
137. Uncouth Boorish, Clownish
138. Urchin Foundling, Orphan
139. Urge Incite, Implore
140. Vain Arrogant, egoistic
141. Vagrant Wander, roaming
142. Valor Bravery, prowess
143. Vanity Conceit, pretension
144. Venerable Esteemed, honored
145. Venom Poison, malevolence
146. Veteran Ingenious, experienced
147. Vicious Corrupt, obnoxious
148. Vigilant Cautious, alert
149. Vivacious Spirited, Energetic
150. Vilify Malign, Slur, Defame
151. Vouch Confirm, consent
152. Virtue Ethic, morality
153. Vivid Eloquent, lucid
154. Waive Relinquish, remove
155. Wan Pale, faded
156. Wane Decline, Dwindle
157. Wary cautious, circumspect
158. Wed marry, combine
159. Wicked vicious, immoral
160. Wield Exert, employ
161. Wile Trickery, Artifice
162. Winsome Beautiful, Comely
163. Wilt wither, perish
164. Yell shout, shriek
165. Yield surrender abdicate
166. Yearn languish, crave
167. Yoke connect, harness
168. Zeal eagerness, fervor
169. Zenith summit, apex
170. Zest delight, enthusiasm
171. Sporadic intermittent, scattered
172. Spry Nimble, Brisk
173. Squalid dirty, filthy
174. Successful Propitious, Felicitous
175. Sterile Barren, Impotent
176. Stupor lethargy, unconsciousness
177. Subsequent consequent, following
178. Substantial Considerable, solid
179. Subvert Demolish, sabotage
180. Superficial Partial, shallow
181. Sycophant Parasite, flatterer
182. Taboo Prohibit, ban
183. Taciturn Reserved, silent
184. Tedious Wearisome. Irksome
185. Temperate Cool, moderate
186. Tenement Apartment, Digs
187. Tenacious Stubborn, Dodge
188. Throng Assembly, crowd
189. Timid Diffident, coward
190. Tranquil Peaceful, composed
191. Transient Temporal, transitory
192. Trenchant Assertive, forceful
193. Treacherous Dishonest, duplicitous
194. Trivial Trifling, insignificant
195. Tumultuous Violent, riotous
196. Tyro Beginner, riotous
197. Tame Compliant, Subdued
198. Terse Incisive, Compact
199. Thick Chunky, massive
200. Feud strife, quarrel
201. Fluctuate deflect, vacillate
202. Forsake desert, renounce
203. Fragile weak, infirm
204. Frantic violent, agitated
205. Frivolous petty, worthless
206. Frugality economy, providence
207. Gather Converge, huddle
208. Gloom obscurity, darkness
209. Glut stuff, satiate
210. Gorgeous magnificent, dazzling
211. Gracious courteous, beneficent
212. Grisly disgusting, atrocious
213. Grudge hatred, aversion
214. Guile cunning, deceit
215. Generosity Altruism, bounty
216. Genuine Absolute, Factual
217. Gloomy Bleak, cloudy
218. Glory Dignity, renown
219. Hamper retard, prevent
220. Hapless unfortunate, ill-fated
221. Harass irritate, molest
222. Haughty arrogant, pompous
223. Hazard Peril, danger
224. Heretic non-conformist, secularist
225. Hideous frightful, shocking
226. Hamstrung Cripple Debilitate
227. Harmony Conformity, Amicability
228. Hasty Abrupt, Impetuous
229. Honor Adoration, Reverence
230. Humble Meek, Timid
231. Humility Resignation, Fawning
232. Hypocrisy Deception, Pharisaism
233. Impenitent Uncontrite, Obdurate
234. Impulsive Flaky, Impetuous
235. Indifferent Equitable, Haughty
236. Indigent Destitute, Impoverished
237. Infernal Damned, Accursed
238. Insipid Tedious, Prosaic
239. Interesting Enchanting, Riveting
240. Immaculate unsullied, spotless
241. Immense huge, enormous
242. Immerse submerge, involve
243. Imminent impending, brewing
244. Immunity prerogative, privilege
245. Impair diminish, deteriorate
246. Impartial just, unbiased
247. Impediment hurdle, obstruction
248. Impious irreligious, unholy
249. Impute attribute, ascribe
250. Inclination disposition, affection
251. Incompetent inefficient, unskilled
252. Incongruous inappropriate, absurd
253. Inevitable unavoidable, ascertained
254. Infringe violate, encroach
255. Ingenuous undisguised, naive
256. Insinuate allude, hint
257. Insipid tasteless, vapid
258. Insolvent indigent, destitute
259. Instill inculcate, inject
260. Intricate tangled, complicated
261. Intrigue scheme, conspiracy
262. Intrinsic genuine, fundamental
263. Invective accusation, censure
264. Invincible unconquerable, impregnable
265. Irrepressible irresistible, unconfined
266. Immaculate Exquisite, Impeccable
267. Jaded tired, exhausted
268. Precarious doubtful, insecure
269. Predicament plight, dilemma
270. Quack Impostor, deceiver
271. Quaint Queer, strange
272. Quarantine seclude, screen
273. Quell subdue, reduce
274. Quibble equivocate, prevaricate
275. Raid Incursion, Foray
276. Rapidity Quickness, Velocity
277. Reason Acumen, Bounds
278. Rebellious Restless, attacking
279. Rectify Amend, Remedy
280. Reluctant Cautious, Averse
281. Restrain Detain, Confine
282. Ratify consent, approve
283. Ravage Destroy, ruin
284. Redeem Recover, liberate
285. Remnant Residue, piece
286. Remonstrate Censure, protest
287. Remorse Regret, penitence
288. Rescind Annul, abrogate
289. Resentment Displeasure, wrath
290. Retract Recant, withdraw
291. Reverence Respect, esteem
292. Rout Vanquish, overthrow
293. Rustic Rural, uncivilized
294. Ruthless Remorseless, inhumane
295. Sacred Cherish, Divine
296. Savage Wild, untamed
297. Savage Wild, untamed
298. Startled Frightened, Shocked
299. Steep Course, lofty
300. Stranger Immigrant, guest
301. Sublime Magnificent, eminent
302. Succinct Concise, Terse
303. Jejune dull, boring
304. Jovial frolicsome, cheerful
305. Jubilant rejoicing, triumphant
306. Judicious thoughtful, prudent
307. Just honest, impartial
308. Justify defend, exculpate
309. Juvenile young, tender
310. Keen sharp, poignant
311. Kindred relation, species
312. Knave dishonest, scoundrel
313. Knell death knell, last blow
314. Knotty complicated difficult
315. Lavish abundant, excessive
316. Lax slack, careless
317. Lenient compassionate, merciful
318. Liable accountable, bound
319. Liberal magnanimous, generous
320. Linger loiter, prolong
321. Lucid sound, rational
322. Lunacy delusion, insanity
323. Lure attract, entice
324. Luscious palatable, delicious
325. Luxuriant profuse, abundant
326. Languid Sluggish, apathetic
327. Malice Vengefulness, grudge
328. Mandatory Imperative, requisite
329. Masculine Gallant, strapping
330. Merit Stature, Asset
331. Miraculous marvelous, extraordinary
332. Mitigate alleviate, relieve
333. Modest humble, courteous
334. Molest harass, tease
335. Mollify appease, assuage
336. Momentous notable, eventful
337. Monotonous irksome, tedious
338. Morbid Nasty, Macabre
339. Munificent liberal, hospitable
340. Murky dusky, dreary
341. Mutinous recalcitrant, insurgent
342. Mutual joint, identical
343. Niggardly miser, covetous
344. Nimble prompt, brisk
345. Nonchalant indifferent, negligent
346. Novice tyro, beginner
347. Noxious baneful, injurious
348. Nullify cancel, annual
349. Jejune dull, boring
350. Jovial frolicsome, cheerful
351. Jubilant rejoicing, triumphant
352. Judicious thoughtful, prudent
353. Just honest, impartial
354. Justify defend, exculpate
355. Juvenile young, tender
356. Keen sharp, poignant
357. Kindred relation, species
358. Knave dishonest, scoundrel
359. Knell death knell, last blow
360. Knotty complicated difficult
361. Lavish abundant, excessive
362. Lax slack, careless
363. Lenient compassionate, merciful
364. Liable accountable, bound
365. Liberal magnanimous, generous
366. Linger loiter, prolong
367. Lucid sound, rational
368. Sarcastic Ironical, derisive
369. Saucy Impudent, insolent
370. Scanty scarce, insufficient
371. Servile Slavish, Docile
372. Shabby miserable, impoverished
373. Slander defame, malign
374. Sneer mock, scorn
375. Solicit entreat, implore
376. Subterfuge Deceit, Stratagem
377. Stain blemish, tarnish
378. Oracular cryptic, vague
379. Ordain Order, impose
380. Ornamental decorative, adorned
381. Outbreak eruption, insurrection
382. Outrage offence, maltreatment
383. Pacify Appease, Chasten
384. Persuade Cajole, Impress
385. Perturbed Flustered, anxious
386. Propagate Inseminate, fecundate
387. Progress Pace, Betterment
388. Prompt Precise, Punctual
389. Prudence Vigilance, Discretion
390. Pamper Flatter, indulge
391. Paramount foremost, eminent
392. Peerless matchless, unrivalled
393. Peevish perverse, sullen
394. Pertness flippancy, impudence
395. Perverse petulant, obstinate
396. Placid tranquil, calm
397. Pompous haughty, arrogant
398. Oracular cryptic, vague
399. Ordain Order, impose
400. punish, admonish Cheer, encourage


500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms & Antonyms

500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms & Antonyms


500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms & Antonyms

500 list of Common Synonyms and Antonyms in English- A to Z Synonyms & Antonyms