Opposite words, also known as antonyms, are words that have contrasting or opposite meanings. They are used to express the opposite or reverse of a particular concept or idea. When two words are considered opposites, they are usually related to each other in some way, often sharing a similar context or category.
For example, “hot” and “cold” are opposites because they describe opposite temperature conditions. Similarly, “big” and “small” are opposites in terms of size, while “happy” and “sad” represent opposite emotional states.
Opposite words are commonly used in language to provide contrast, emphasize differences, or express a range of meanings. They help us convey precise and nuanced ideas by offering a clear distinction between concepts. You should learn these 200 opposite words list in English.
Common Opposite Words in English
- quiet– loud
- raise– lower
- rainy– sunny
- rear– front
- right– left
- rude– polite
- rural– urban
- sad– happy
- satisfy– annoy
- save– spend
- short– long
- slow– fast
- small– big
- smooth– rough
- some– many
- south– north
- start– finish
- town– village
- ugly– beautiful
- under– over
- wide– narrow
- wife– husband
- work– rest
- woman– man
- young– old
- alive– dead
- all– none
- allow– forbid
- already– not yet
- always– never
- ancient– modern
- amateur– professional
- amuse– bore
- ancestor-descendant
- angel– the devil
- animal– human
- annoy– satisfy
- answer– ask
- answer– question
- antonym– synonym
- apart– together
- argue– agree
- arrest– free
- arrival– departure
- arrive– depart
- artificial– natural
- ascent– descent
- ask– answer
- asleep– awake
- hit–miss
- host– guest
- huge– tiny
- human– animal
- humane– cruel
- humid– dry
- hungry– thirsty
- husband– wife
- in front of – back
- ignore– notice
- import– export
- in– out
- include– exclude
- increase– reduce
- innocent– guilty
- inside– outside
- junior– senior
- kind– cruel
- lack– abundance
- lady– gentleman
- daughter– son
- dawn– dusk
- day– night
- dead– alive
- death– birth
- deep– shallow
- defeat– victory
- defense– attack
- defend– attack
- delicious– awful
- deny– admit
- depart– arrive
- departure– arrival
- descent– ascent
- land– take off
- land– water
- large– small
- life– death
- light– dark
- like– hate
- liquid– solid
- little– big
- little– much
- live– die
- long– short
- lose– win
- loud– quiet
- love– hate
- lovely– terrible
- low– high
- lower– raise
- major– minor
- male– female
- man– woman
- many– few
- mess– order
- minor– major
- miss– catch
- moon– sun
- more– less
- much– little
- nasty– nice
- new– ancient
- nice– awful
- niece– nephew
- night– day
- north– south
- notice– ignore
- now– then
- desperate– hopeful
- occupied – vacant
- attack– defense
- attic– cellar
- autumn– spring
- awake– asleep
- awful– nice
- back– in front of
- backward– forward
- bad– good
- bottom– top
- boy– girl
- brave– cowardly
- break– fix
- broad– narrow
- careful– careless
- careless– careful
- catch– miss
- ceiling– floor
- cellar– attic
- certainly– probably
- past– future
- peace– war
- plant– harvest
- plenty– lack
- pleasant– awful
- polite– rude
- pupil– teacher
- quick– slow
- empty– full
- end– begin
- end– beginning
- ending– beginning
- enemy– friend
- enjoy– hate
- enter– leave
- entrance– exit
- equal– different
- even– odd
- excited– calm
- exciting– boring
- exclude– include
- exit– entrance
- failure– success
- false– true
- far– near
- few– many
- final– first
- find– lose
- finish– begin
- finish– start
- first– final
- fix– break
- flat– hilly
- floor– ceiling
- follow– lead
- forbid– allow
- foreign– domestic
- foreigner– native
- form– destroy
- fortune– bad luck
- fresh– old/stale
- attack– defend
- harvest– plant
- health– disease
- healthy– ill
- heat– cold
- heaven– hell
- heavy– light
- hell– heaven
- here– there
- high– low
- hilly– flat
- clever– stupid
- close– open
- closed– open
- cloudy– clear
- cold– hot
- cold– heat
- dark– light
200+ Opposite Words List in English with PDF | ilmrary.com