Learn 200+ Most Famous Adjectives List with Urdu Meanings which can help you improve your English speaking. Adjectives are an important part of the English language because they help modify different things in a sentence. like it modifies the noun and adverbs in a sentence. They tell us exactly about the qualities or demerits of nouns and adverbs. These adjectives talk provide us with more information about nouns and adverbs and further express their various characteristics in sentences.
In the English language, adjectives have so much significance as they give the listeners positive or negative information about nouns and adverbs. Without the use of adjectives we might not be able to learn more noun and adverbs but using adjectives make the job easier to know what nouns and adverbs are about. As an English learner, you are highly recommended to learn and know more about adjectives as they are commonly sued in English for describing the situation of nouns.
The importance of adjectives in the English language cannot be denied at any cots because English speaking and more importantly comprehension of English sentences about the components of a sentence massively depends on them particularly when they are used in sentences. no other part of English grammar will help you know the qualities or defects of nouns and adverbs as compared to adjectives. Therefore, it is quite necessary to learn adjectives inappropriate ways. Here, I have helped out you learn 200 famous adjectives listed with meanings which will be quite beneficial for English learning.
in English Grammar, adjectives play an important role in making sentences and furthermore help us describe things around us. Adjectives are used near to nouns and pronouns they want to modify in sentences. They should be selected wisely to describe the nouns and pronouns as they possess. massive impact. adjectives can help students learn and speak better English in everyday life. This lesson will help you learn some common adjectives used in your daily lives while practicing English speaking. for Learning them more effectively, I would suggest you GET a PDF of this essential lesson so that you can be able to revise them anytime you feel free.
The good thing about this lesson is that you will be able to build your advanced vocabulary by learning these common adjectives used in everyday life.
200 Famous Adjectives List
Zippy | چست |
Livid | سیسے کا رنگ سا |
Lively | خوش طبع |
Little | چھوٹا |
Lethal | مہلک |
Kind | مہربان |
Jumpy | کودتے ہوئے |
Juicy | رس دار |
Joyous | پر مسرت |
Jolly | مسرور |
Jittery | خطرناک |
Jealous | حاسد |
Irate | برہم |
Intrigued | فریب |
Itchy | تکلیف دہ |
Irritable | چڑچڑا |
Ideal | مثالی |
Icy | برف دار |
Hurt | چوٹ، تکلیف |
Hungry | بھوکا |
Cheerful | زندہ دل |
Glorious | مشہور |
Straight | سیدھا |
Scrawny | کھر چنا |
Scattered | پھیلا ہوا |
Scary | دہشت زدہ |
Scant | کم کرنا |
Pleasant | خوشگوار |
Plain | صاف |
Petty | تھوڑا سا |
Petite | ذرا سا |
Zealous | جوشیلا |
Zany | بیوقوف |
Weary | اُکتا دینا |
Wacky | جوالا |
Vivid | زندہ دل |
Vexed | تنگ |
Vast | کشادہ |
Uptight | دباؤ کا شکار |
Tiny | چھوٹا سا |
Uneven | کھر دار |
Trite | پُرانا |
Tricky | مشکل |
Timely | بروقت |
Tight | مضبوط |
Thick | موٹا |
Thankful | شکر گزار |
Terrible | وحشت ناک |
Tense | پریشان |
Tender | پیش کرنا |
Huge | بڑا |
Horrific | خوف ناک |
Hot | گرم |
Homely | روکھا |
High | اونچا |
Hollow | خالی |
Helpless | بے یار و مدد گار |
Helpful | مدد گار |
Healthy | صحت مند |
Happy | خوش |
Graceful | خوش اسلوبی |
Gorgeous | شان و شوکت |
Cheeky | گستاخ |
Charming | دل پسند |
Burly | طاقتور |
Bulky | قد آور |
Broad | کشادہ |
Bright | چمکدار |
Batty | بیٹ |
Brave | دلیر |
Bored | اکتایا ہوا |
Blushing | شرمیلا |
Beautiful | خوبصورت |
Average | اوسط |
Appetizing | رغبت پیدا کرنے والی |
Appalling | ہولناک |
Amused | خوش |
Amiable | ملنسار |
Adorable | قابل ت |
Acidic | تُرش |
Abrupt | اچانک |
Mute | خاموش |
Prickly | خاردار |
Precious | قیمتی |
Pompous | پر شکوہ |
Poised | توازن رکھنےوالا |
Handsome | خوبصورت |
Grumpy | چڑ چڑا |
Grubby | گندا |
Grotesque | شاندار |
Gritty | باہمت |
Grieving | تکلیف دہ |
Greasy | چکنا |
Perplexed | الجھا ہوا |
Perfect | مکمل |
Nutty | لٹو |
Nervous | بے چین |
Naughty | شرارتی |
Nasty | گندا |
Narrow | تنگ حصہ |
Macho | مردانہ پن پر اُترنے والا |
Ludicrous | مضحکہ خیز |
Lucky | خوش قسمت |
Lovely | پیارا |
Defiant | گستاخ |
Defeated | شکست زده |
Deep | گہرا |
Deceitful | مکار |
Decayed | مرجھایا ہوا |
Dashing | شوخی |
Dangerous | خطرناک |
Cynical | نیلگوں |
Curved | خمیدا ہونا |
Cumbersome | تکلیف دہ |
Cruel | سنگ دل |
Crooked | ٹیڑھا |
Creepy | رینگتا ہوا |
Cool | ٹھنڈا |
Clumsy | اناڑی |
Clueless | بے سراغ |
Cloudy | ابر آلود |
Clear | واضح |
Clean | صاف |
Chubby | گول مٹول |
Rotund | گول |
Rotten | گلا ہوا |
Robust | ہٹا کٹا |
Ripe | پکا |
Responsive | جواب دہ |
Repulsive | مکرو ہ |
Reassured | پھر یقین کیا ہوا |
Quaint | عجیب |
Puny | کمزور |
Pungent | نوکیلا، تیز |
Fantastic | وہمی |
Glamorous | جاذب نظر |
Fancy | تصور کرنا |
Exuberant | زندہ دل |
Extensive | کشادہ |
Enormous | بہت بڑا |
Energetic | چست، چالاک |
Enchanting | دل موہ لینے والا |
Embarrassed | شرمندہ ہونا |
Emaciated | کمزور |
Elegant | نفیس |
Elated | بے انتہا خوشی |
Ecstatic | خوشی میں لانے والا |
Eager | خواہشمند |
Dull | سادہ لوح |
Drained | بے طاقت |
Drab | بدکاری کرنا |
Dizzy | پریشان |
Disturbed | پریشان |
Delicious | مزے دار |
Intelligent | ذہین |
Sharp | تیز |
Shallow | ہلکا |
Shaky | لرزتا ہوا |
Shaggy | کھر دار |
Selfish | خود غرض |
Proud | غرور |
Lonely | تنہا |
Gleaming | شعاع |
Gigantic | بہت بڑا |
Giddy | چکراتا ہوا |
Ghastly | بھیانک شکل و صورت |
Gentle | شریف |
Gaudy | پر تکلف |
Fuzzy | دھندلا |
Funny | مزاحیہ |
Frothy | جھاگ دار |
Frightened | خوف زدہ ہونا |
Friendly | دوستانہ |
Fierce | تیز |
Fluttering | اضطراب ہونا |
Tart | تُرش |
Sweet | میٹھا |
Small | چھوٹا |
Slippery | پھسلن والا |
Slimy | نازک، پتلا |
Skinny | دبلا پتلا |
Silly | پاگل |
Silky | ریشمی نرم |
Short | مختصر |
Shiny | چمکدار |
Fresh | تازہ |

200+ Most Famous Adjectives List with Urdu Meanings
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