100 List of Opposite Adjectives in English

Learn 100 List of Opposite Adjectives in English. Common opposite Adjectives are used to describe contrasting objects and people. They help a lot to improve English speaking. using opposite adjectives only means talking about people or objects that have both kinds of factors.

Common Opposite Adjectives

Adjectives Opposites
alive dead
beautiful ugly
big small
bitter sweet
cheap expensive
clean dirty
curly straight
difficult easy
good bad
early Late
fat thin
full empty
hot cold
happy sad/unhappy
hardworking lazy
modern traditional
new old
nice nasty
intelligent stupid
interesting boring
light heavy
polite rude/impolite
poor rich
quiet noisy
right wrong
safe Dangerous
short long
small big
soft hard
single married
true false
well ill/unwell
white black
Light Short
Heavy Tall
Beautiful Insane
Ugly Sane
Big Dark
Small light
Thick Straight
Thin Crooked
Strong Deep
Weak Shallow
Loose Brave
Tight Cowardly
Straight Distant
Curly Near
Slow Lazy
Fast Hard-working
Poor Cheap
Wealthy Expensive
Healthy Delicious
Sick Awful
Low Talkative
High Taciturn
Thin Modern
Fat Ancient
Bad Wide
Good Narrow
Careful Patient
Careless Impatient


100 List of Opposite Adjectives in English

100 List of Opposite Adjectives in English


100 List of Opposite Adjectives in English

100 List of Opposite Adjectives in English