Use Might in Sentences | 60 Sentences Using Might

Learn Example Sentences of might that can help you use might in sentences properly.

Positive Sentences

  1. It might rain tomorrow.
  2. You might fail if you don’t study.
  3. You might pass the CSS exam.
  4. I might join you tomorrow.
  5. The doctor might check up on the patient today.
  6. I might not consider this opportunity.
  7. It might be damaged.
  8. I might have helped you.
  9. Either case might be helpful.
  10. You might give up before the end.
  11. You might sell it all today.
  12. She might see you very often now.
  13. You might be right.
  14. She might be in doubt.
  15. The lens might be a lifetime alternative to glasses.
  16. I might disappoint you.
  17. You might think about it.
  18. I thought you might want to join hiking.
  19. She might kill her husband.
  20. Your idea might be effective.
Use Might in Positive Sentences 100 Sentences Using might

Use Might in Positive Sentences 100 Sentences Using might

Negative Sentences

  1. You might not visit me very often.
  2. It might not seem feasible.
  3. Your tricks might not work.
  4. Her skills might not be helpful in the end.
  5. We might not survive without warm dressing.
  6. He might not hit you.
  7. He might not be as friendly as he is now.
  8. She might not make her less frightened.
  9. She might not show up at the last moment.
  10. You might not think like me.
  11. It might not get worse.
  12. You might not be successful.
  13. She might not forgive her daughter.
  14. She might not console her.
  15. We might not be as successful as we think.
  16. The weather might not be dry tomorrow.
  17. He might not be that person.
  18. You might not be deceived.
  19. This road might not lead to the school.
  20. He might not put himself in her shoes.
Use Might in Negative Sentences | 100 Sentences Using might

Use Might in Negative Sentences | 100 Sentences Using might

Interrogative Sentences

  1. Might I check your card?
  2. Might I know your name?
  3. Might you suggest me something?
  4. Might I ask for chopped grills?
  5. When might you get engaged?
  6. Might I know how you came to know about me?
  7. Might I recommend you some products?
  8. Might we go to see her?
  9. Might your father do this?
  10. Might your friend drop me?
  11. Might we speak to you after some time?
  12. Might I borrow your book?
  13. Might I ask for a cup of tea?
  14. Might we ask about your intention?
  15. Might we surrender?
  16. Might she leave before we go?
  17. Who might be the winner?
  18. What might happen?
  19. Who might be fired?
  20. What might we do next month?
    Use Might in interrogative Sentences | 100 Sentences Using might

    Use Might in interrogative Sentences | 100 Sentences Using might

    Download 110 Examples of Should