Suffixes and prefixes are important for improving language skills. A suffix is added to the end of a word, and a prefix is added to the beginning. They change the meaning of words, make new words, and help express ideas clearly. For example, prefixes can show negation like “unhappy,” while suffixes can form adjectives like “beautiful.”
They make communication easier by letting us say more with fewer words. Learning them helps expand vocabulary, improve grammar, and make writing or speaking clear and precise.
What are Suffixes and Prefixes?
Prefixes are added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Suffixes are added at the end of a word to form a new word or change its grammatical function.
Prefix Examples:
- She is unhappy with the results.
- The doctor said my injury is nonserious.
- We must rewrite the essay for clarity.
Suffix Examples:
- His kindness and friendship are remarkable.
- The baby slept peacefully through the night.
- Adding exercise to your routine improves fitness.
Suffixes and Prefixes in English
Prefixes | Examples | Suffixes | Examples |
A- | Asexual, Apathy | -able | Adorable, Comfortable |
Anti- | Antibiotic, Antisocial | -al | Historical, Sensational |
Bi- | Bilingual, Bipolar | -ance | Resistance, Importance |
Co- | Coexist, Cooperation | -ation | Exploration, Presentation |
De- | Deactivate, Defrost | -ed | Fulfilled, Interested |
Dis- | Disapprove, Dislike | -er | Teacher, Writer |
En- | Encourage, Enlighten | -est | Biggest, Fastest |
Ex- | Exhale, Expose | -ful | Beautiful, Careful |
Fore- | Foresee, Forefront | -ian | Musician, Magician |
In- | Incomplete, Insecure | -ible | Accessible, Irresistible |
Inter- | Interact, Interfere | -ing | Running, Singing |
Mis- | Misunderstand, Misbehave | -ion | Decision, Connection |
Non- | Nonfiction, Nonexistent | -ish | Childish, Foolish |
Over- | Overcome, Overwhelm | -ism | Capitalism, Activism |
Pre- | Preapprove, Precede | -ist | Scientist, Artist |
Re- | Rebuild, Reconsider | -ive | Talkative, Attractive |
Sub- | Submarine, Submerge | -ize | Organize, Recognize |
Trans- | Transform, Transatlantic | -less | Fearless, Homeless |
Un- | Unhappy, Unlikely | -logy | Biology, Psychology |
Under- | Underestimate, Underground | -ment | Achievement, Development |
Up- | Upgrade, Uphold | -ness | Happiness, Sadness |
With- | Withdraw, Withhold | -ous | Courageous, Delicious |
Auto- | Autopilot, Automobile | -ship | Leadership, Friendship |
Bi- | Bifocal, Biweekly | -tion | Interaction, Introduction |
Circum- | Circumvent, Circumnavigate | -ward | Forward, Backward |
Com- | Combine, Community | -y | Rainy, Cloudy |
Dis- | Disagree, Disobey | -able | Acceptable, Manageable |
En- | Enclose, Engage | -ation | Collaboration, Foundation |
Fore- | Foretell, Forecast | -er | Baker, Teacher |
Im- | Impossible, Impatient | -ful | Successful, Beautiful |
In- | Indecisive, Inactive | -less | Careless, Homeless |
Inter- | Interact, Interview | -ly | Quickly, Happily |
Mid- | Midnight, Midway | -ment | Movement, Adjustment |
Mis- | Misbehave, Misunderstand | -ness | Happiness, Sadness |
Out- | Outsource, Outsmart | -ous | Courageous, Famous |
Over- | Overcome, Overwhelm | -s | Cats, Dogs |
Post- | Postpone, Postgraduate | -ship | Friendship, Scholarship |
Pre- | Preheat, Preorder | -sion | Decision, Confession |
Re- | Rebuild, Reconsider | -ward | Forward, Upward |
Semi- | Semifinal, Semiannual | -y | Rainy, Windy |
Sub- | Submarine, Subdivide | -able | Drinkable, Readable |
Super- | Superman, Supermarket | -ation | Preparation, Celebration |
Trans- | Transport, Transfer | -er | Singer, Dancer |
Un- | Unhappy, Unlikely | -ful | Playful, Colorful |
Under- | Underestimate, Undergo | -ish | Childish, Selfish |
Up- | Upgrade, Uphold | -less | Fearless, Limitless |
With- | Withhold, Withdraw | -ness | Sadness, Kindness |
Anti- | Antivirus, Antibacterial | -able | Teachable, Understandable |
De- | Deselect, Decompose | -ation | Information, Meditation |
Dis- | Disapprove, Discontinue | -ed | Interested, Surprised |
En- | Enable, Encourage | -er | Teacher, Writer |
Ex- | Exit, Exhale | -est | Tallest, Strongest |
Fore- | Foresee, Forewarn | -ful | Careful, Thoughtful |
In- | Inactive, Incomplete | -ial | Special, Essential |
Inter- | Interact, Interfere | -ing | Dancing, Singing |
Mis- | Misunderstand, Misbehave | -ion | Decision, Discussion |
Non- | Nonfiction, Nonexistent | -ish | Childish, Selfish |
Over- | Overcome, Overwhelm | -ism | Capitalism, Patriotism |
Pre- | Prepay, Precede | -ist | Artist, Scientist |
Re- | Rebuild, Rewind | -ive | Active, Talkative |
Sub- | Submarine, Submerge | -ize | Recognize, Organize |
Trans- | Transport, Transplant | -less | Homeless, Endless |
Un- | Unpack, Uncover | -ly | Quickly, Happily |
Under- | Underestimate, Undergo | -ment | Movement, Development |
Up- | Upgrade, Uphill | -ness | Happiness, Sadness |
With- | Withdraw, Withhold | -ous | Dangerous, Mysterious |
Auto- | Autopilot, Automobile | -ship | Friendship, Membership |
Bi- | Bilingual, Bifocal | -tion | Transition, Competition |
Circum- | Circumvent, Circumnavigate | -ward | Upward, Backward |
Com- | Combine, Communicate | -y | Shiny, Cloudy |
Dis- | Disagree, Disappear | -able | Drinkable, Readable |
En- | Encourage, Enlighten | -ation | Explanation, Observation |
Fore- | Foresee, Forewarn | -er | Teacher, Singer |
Im- | Impossible, Imbalance | -ful | Wonderful, Beautiful |
In- | Incomplete, Inaccurate | -less | Homeless, Fearless |
Inter- | Interact, Interview | -ly | Quickly, Happily |
Mid- | Midway, Midnight | -ment | Movement, Development |
Mis- | Misunderstand, Misbehave | -ness | Happiness, Sadness |
Out- | Outsource, Outnumber | -ous | Courageous, Dangerous |
Over- | Overcome, Overwhelm | -s | Cats, Dogs |
Post- | Postpone, Postgraduate | -ship | Friendship, Partnership |
Pre- | Preheat, Prepay | -sion | Discussion, Conclusion |
Re- | Rebuild, Renew | -ward | Forward, Backward |
Semi- | Semifinal, Semiconscious | -y | Rainy, Windy |
Sub- | Submarine, Substitute | -able | Comfortable, Presentable |
Super- | Superhuman, Supercharge | -ation | Investigation, Celebration |
Trans- | Transform, Transcribe | -er | Teacher, Writer |
Un- | Unhappy, Unlikely | -ful | Beautiful, Joyful |
Under- | Underestimate, Undergo | -ish | Childish, Foolish |
Up- | Upgrade, Uphold | -less | Fearless, Limitless |
With- | Withhold, Withdraw | -ness | Sadness, Kindness |
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Last Updated on January 9, 2025 by iLmrary