English Grammar

List of ALL Family Words with Examples and Their Meanings in Urdu

WH Family Words Using "ALL" with Examples in Urdu
WH Family Words Using "ALL" with Examples in Urdu

Learning WH family words is essential for asking questions in English. When we add the word “all” to these question words, it helps us ask about multiple things, people, or places. For example, instead of asking “What did he eat?” you can ask “What all did he eat?” to know about everything he ate. Let’s learn how to use WH family words with “all” in different contexts.

What are WH words?

WH words are question words used to ask for specific information. They are called WH words because most of them start with the letters “WH,” such as What, Where, Who, Whom, Whose, Which, Why, and How. These words help us ask questions about people, places, things, reasons, and methods.

WH Words with All

  • What All
  • Where All
  • Who All
  • Which All
  • How All
  • Whom All
  • Whose All
  • When All

1. What All

Structure: What all + Helping Verb (HV) + Subject + Verb + Object?
Meaning: (کیا کیا) – Used to ask about multiple things or actions.

Example Sentence Urdu Translation
What all does he drink? وہ کیا کیا پیتا ہے؟
What all do you work? تم کیا کیا کام کرتے ہو؟
What all were they eating? وہ کیا کیا کھا رہے تھے؟

In these sentences, “What all” is used to ask about multiple items or actions. For example, “What all does he drink?” means we want to know all the drinks he consumes.

2. Where All

Structure: Where all + HV + Subject + Verb + Object?
Meaning: (کہاں کہاں) – Used to ask about multiple places.

Example Sentence Urdu Translation
Where all did he go? وہ کہاں کہاں گیا؟
Where all do you travel? تم کہاں کہاں سفر کرتے ہو؟
Where all will you send? تم کہاں کہاں بھیجو گے؟

Here, “Where all” helps us ask about multiple locations. For instance, “Where all did he go?” means we want to know all the places he visited.

3. Who All

Structure: Who all + HV + Subject + Verb + Object?
Meaning: (کون کون) – Used to ask about multiple people.

Example Sentence Urdu Translation
Who all are going to the market? بازار کون کون جا رہا ہے؟
Who all is fighting? کون کون لڑ رہا ہے؟
Who all will visit Multan? ملتان کون کون جائے گا؟

“Who all” is used to ask about multiple people. For example, “Who all are going to the market?” means we want to know all the people going there.

4. Which All

Structure: Which all + HV + Subject + Verb + Object?
Meaning: (کون کون سی) – Used to ask about multiple items from a group.

Example Sentence Urdu Translation
Which all phones do you like? کون کون سے موبائل آپکو پسند ہیں؟
Which all games does he like? کون کون سی کھیلیں وہ پسند کرتا ہے؟
Which all chairs did he like? اس نے کون کون سی کرسی پسند کی؟

“Which all” is used to ask about multiple items from a specific group. For example, “Which all phones do you like?” means we want to know all the phones you prefer.

5. How All

Structure: How all + HV + Subject + Verb + Object?
Meaning: (کیسے کیسے) – Used to ask about multiple ways or methods.

Example Sentence Urdu Translation
How all did you talk to him? تم نے کیسے کیسے اس سے بات کی؟
How all does he give money? وہ کیسے کیسے پیسے دیتا ہے؟
How all do we swim? ہم کیسے کیسے تیرتے ہیں؟

“How all” is used to ask about multiple methods or ways. For example, “How all did you talk to him?” means we want to know all the ways you communicated.

6. Whom All

Structure: Whom all + HV + Subject + Verb + Object?
Meaning: (کس کس کو) – Used to ask about multiple people receiving an action.

Example Sentence Urdu Translation
Whom all are you giving? آپ کس کس کو دے رہے ہیں؟
Whom all did he see? اس نے کس کس کو دیکھا؟
Whom all will you meet? آپ کس کس سے ملو گے؟

“Whom all” is used to ask about multiple people receiving an action. For example, “Whom all are you giving?” means we want to know all the people you are giving something to.

7. Whose All

Structure: Whose all + HV + Subject + Verb + Object?
Meaning: (کس کس کا) – Used to ask about ownership of multiple things.

Example Sentence Urdu Translation
Whose all luggage is this? یہ کس کس کا سامان ہے؟
Whose all dogs are these? یہ کتے کس کس کے ہیں؟
Whose all books are these? یہ کتابیں کس کس کی ہیں؟

“Whose all” is used to ask about the ownership of multiple items. For example, “Whose all luggage is this?” means we want to know all the owners of the luggage.

8. When All

Structure: When all + HV + Subject + Verb + Object?
Meaning: (کب کب) – Used to ask about multiple times or occasions.

Example Sentence Urdu Translation
When all did he call you? اس نے کب کب آپکو کال کی؟
When all does he travel? وہ کب کب سفر کرتا ہے؟
When all will you talk? تم کب کب بات کرو گے؟

“When all” is used to ask about multiple times or occasions. For example, “When all did he call you?” means we want to know all the times he called.

List of ALL Family Words with Examples and Their Meanings in Urdu

WH Words in English


1. What does “What all” mean?

“What all” is used to ask about multiple things or actions. For example, “What all did he eat?” means we want to know all the items he ate.

2. How is “Who all” different from “Who”?

“Who” asks about one person, while “Who all” asks about multiple people. For example, “Who is coming?” vs. “Who all are coming?”

3. Can we use “Whom all” in spoken English?

Yes, “Whom all” is used in formal and spoken English to ask about multiple people receiving an action. For example, “Whom all did you invite?”

4. What is the purpose of adding “all” to WH words?

Adding “all” helps ask about multiple items, people, places, or times instead of just one.

5. Is “How all” commonly used?

Yes, “How all” is used to ask about multiple methods or ways. For example, “How all did you solve the problem?”

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