English Grammar

Use of IN, ON, AT in English Grammar with Examples in Urdu

Use of IN, ON, AT in English Grammar with Examples in Urdu
Use of IN, ON, AT in English Grammar with Examples in Urdu

Use of IN, ON, AT in English Grammar with Examples in Urdu۔ Learn All uses of Common Prepositions with Urdu Meanings. These Prepositions are commonly used in our daily English Conversations. it is important to learn different uses of IN, ON, and AT so that you can use them correctly. All of these basic prepositions have been well explained in Urdu with quite easy examples. I assure you that This article will clear all your confusion regarding the complete usage of IN, ON, and AT.

There are basically two types of prepositions…

Preposition of time –   وقت بتانے کےلیے

Preposition of place –  جگہ بتانے کےلیے


Below are given some examples of these prepositions for giving you some understanding. these will help you get an idea how what those prepositions are actually about?

In the morning?
On the bus?
At the shop?
On Saturday?
On Friday?
On the roof?
In a taxi?
On a bus

Quite general
بالکل عام

Use of  “IN”


مکمل وقت بتانے کےلیے

In the future.
In the past
In the Present


In the future, I would like to get married.
مستقبل میں، میں شادی کرنا پسند کروں گا۔

In the past, I studies hard but failed.
ماضی میں، میں نے سخت پڑھائ کی لیکن فیل ہو گیا۔

سال کا بتانے کےلیے

In 1999
In 2022
In 1998


In 1994, she was born.
وہ 1994 میں پیدا ہوئی تھی۔

He was born in the 90s.
وہ 90 میں پیدا ہوا تھا

My grandparent was born in the 19th century.
میرا دادا 19 سینچری میں پیدا ہوا تھا

موسم کا بتانے کےلیے

In summer
In the winter
In autumn


In summer, I cannot travel a lot due to heat.
گرمی میں، میں گرمی کی وجہ سے سفر نہیں کر سکتا۔

In the winter, I love to wear new clothes.
سردی میں ، مجھے نئے کپڑے پہننا اچھا لگتا ہے

مہینوں اور ہفتوں کا بتانے کےلیے

In June
In November
In few weeks

All Uses of in in English with Examples in Urdu

All Uses of in in English with Examples in Urdu


In June, she will be 20 years.
جون میں وہ 20 سال کی ہو جائے گی۔

In few weeks, he will complete the work.
چند ہفتوں میں، وہ کام مکمل کر دے گا


دن کے حصوں کا بتانا

In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening


تنگ جگہ کا بتانے کےلیے

In the room
In the office
In a taxi


She is traveling in a taxi.
وہ ٹیکسی میں سفر کر رہی ہے۔

I am working in my office.
میں آفس میں کام کر رہا ہوں

شہر یا ملک کا بتانے کےلیے

In Dubai
In Multan
In Qatar


She lives in Dubai.
وہ دوبئی میں رہتی ہے۔

He works in Lahore.
وہ لاہور میں کام کرتا ہے۔

All Uses of in in English with Examples in Urdu

All Uses of in in English with Examples in Urdu

Use of “ON”

تاریخ بتانے کےلیے

On the 4th June
On the 9th may
On the 7th April


I was born on the 10th June .
میں 10 جون کو پیدا ہوا تھا۔

On 5th may, he celebrate his birthday.
5 مئی کو وہ اپنی برتھ ڈے مناتا ہے۔


پبلک ٹرانسپورٹ کےلیے

On a bus
On a train
On a plane


I went to Lahore on a train.
میں لاہور ٹرین پر گیا۔

She traveled to Multan on a bus .
وہ ملتان بس پر گئی۔


ہفتے کا دن بتانے کےلیے

On Monday
On Friday
On Sunday


She will come on Sunday.
وہ اتوار کو آئے گی۔

I will go to school on Friday.
میں جمعے کو سکول جاؤں گا۔


مہینے کا دن بتانے  کےلیے

On the 4th of July
On the first day of the September
On the 5th January

کسی چیز کی سطح بتانے کےلیے

On the desk
On the floor
On the tree


The book is placed on the desk.
کتاب میز پر پڑی ہے۔

She is climbing on the tree.
وہ درخت پر چڑھ رہی ہے۔

All Uses of ON in English with Examples in Urdu

Use of IN, ON, AT in English Grammar with Examples in Urdu

Use of “AT”


خاص وقت بتانے کےلیے

At 8 PM
At 2 AM
At lunchtime

The boss will arrive at 2 PM.
بوس 2 بجے پہنچے گا۔

She will meet me at the lunchtime.
وہ مجھے دوپہر کے کھانے کیوقت ملے گی۔


خاص جگہ بتانے کےلیے

At the bus stop
At the museum
At lunchtime

She is at the bus station.
وہ بس اسٹیشن پر ہے۔

I am at the museum.
میں میوزیم میں ہوں۔۔


دوکانوں کےلیے

At the coffee shop
At the bakery
At the butcher’s shop


Asim is at the bakery shop.
عاصم بیکری کی دکان پر ہے۔

She is at the coffee shop.
وہ کافی شاپ پر ہے۔


مختلف جگہوں کےلیے

At home
At school
At work

Sana is at her home.
ثناء اپنے گھر پر ہے۔
The professor is at the universality.
پروفیسر یونیورسٹی میں ہے۔
I am at my work.
میں کام پر ہوں۔


All Uses of AT in English with Examples in Urdu

All Uses of AT in English with Examples in Urdu