English Grammar

Use of Had Better in English Grammar with Examples in Urdu

How To Use Had Better in English Grammar with Urdu Explanation
How To Use Had Better in English Grammar with Urdu Explanation

Learn the use of had better with Urdu examples. How to use had better in English grammar with Urdu examples it will be quite easy for you to learn the use of had better grammar and you will be able to use it correctly. It is commonly used in our daily routine to describe different activities many students are totally unaware of how to use it correctly. Here you are going to learn how you can actually use it in the right way while speaking and writing with others.

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Use of “Had Better”

It is used to give advice and suggestion to someone to do something. It is used only in specific situations. “Should” Can also be used but it is used only for giving advice.


Subject had better verb+1sth form object


You Had better attend the lecture today.

Note: Both should and had better can be used interchangeably. The only difference between them is “had better” is used to describe a negative reaction or result in case the said action does not happen. While should does not describe any negative reaction if anything does not occur.

She had better tell them everything.
In This example, there must be something important which she must share with her parents. If she does not do, the result of this situation will definitely not be a good one.

Always remember one thing, many students use the preposition “To” after “had better” which is a big mistake. There will be no any preposition after “had better”.

Incorrect: She had better to apply for the job.
Correct:   She had better apply for the job.

Had better is used only in the present and future tense. It cannot be used in the past.

Let’s suppose you want to ask someone to brush your teeth thrice a day. This is now general advice. How would you say that?
You had better brush your teeth thrice in a day.  This is totally wrong. As mentioned before, “had better” is only used in specific circumstances. It is never used in general situations. Therefore the better way to say that “you should brush your teeth thrice in the day”.

Let’s now practice it with some examples:


  • You had better talk to her.
  • We had better reach the airport at 11 PM.
  • She had better prepare for her exam.
  • They had better participate in the games.
  • We had better help our neighbors.
  • I had better eat a meal properly.
  • You had better go to sleep now.
  • I had better reach the station on time.
  • She had better give the presentation.
    How To Use Had Better in English Grammar with Urdu Explanation

    How To Use Had Better in English Grammar with Urdu Explanation


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