
Different Ways to Say I Understand in English with Urdu Translation

Different Ways to Say I Understand in English with Urdu Translation
Different Ways to Say I Understand in English with Urdu Translation

Different Ways to Say I Understand in English with Urdu Translation. learn other ways to say I understand with Urdu meanings for speaking English. this blog will help you learn alternatives for “I understand” which will be quite helpful for practicing spoken English. You will learn interesting English expressions that are commonly used for expressing your comprehension. they help make your spoken English more attractive and effective.

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Other Ways  for “I Understand”

Other Ways to Say I Understand Meaning  Sentence 
Got it. سمجھ  گیا۔ i got it now. he is not coming today.
Ok. I get it now. ٹھیک ہے۔ میں اب سمجھا۔ ok. i get it know. you want to go abroad.
That’s clear. یہ بالکل واضح ہے۔ The result is quite positive. that’s clear.
I take your point/ idea. میں آپکی بات سمجھتا ہوں۔ You need his help. i take your point.
That makes sense. یہ سمجھ میں آتا ہے۔ she needs money. that makes senses.
I hear you. میں آپکو سمجھتاہوں۔ i hear you. they rejected your proposal.
I’m with you. میں آپکے ساتھ ہوں۔ i am with you. you really raised a valid point.
I see. میں سمجھ گیا۔ i see. he could not get good salary.
I know what you mean. مجھے پتہ ہے تمہارا کیا مطلب ہے۔ i know what you mean. your boss has fired you.
That’s totally fair. یہ بالکل ٹھیک ہے۔ That’s totally fair. he was sent to jail.
It’s crystal clear. یہ بالکل واضح ہے۔ it’s crystal clear. you betrayed your father.
Fair enough! بہتر ہے۔ Fair enough! she left you alone.
Of course/ alright. بلاشبہ/ ٹھیک ہے۔ of course. He will help you to solve this issue.


Different Ways to Say I Understand in English with Urdu Translation
Different Ways to Say I Understand in English with Urdu Translation

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