English Sentences

1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2

1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2
1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2

Learning daily English sentences is important. English is a global language, used to talk to people from different countries. It helps in jobs, as many companies need workers who speak English well. English is also the main language of technology, science, and study.

Knowing it gives access to more books, websites, and ideas. It makes traveling and studying in other countries easier. Learning English builds confidence and helps share your thoughts with others. Start learning these simple sentences to improve your skills!

Hindi to English Sentences

सन्तरा छील दो। Santara Cheel do.

Peel off the Orange.

आलू छील दो। Aaloo chheel do.

Peel off the potatoes

कपड़े  सुखा दो। Kapde sukha do.

Put the clothes to dry.

ढक्कन खोल दो। Dhakkan khol do.

Open the lid/cap/cover.

नल बन्द कर दो। Nal band kar do.

Turn off the tap.

दीवार पर सहारा मत लो। Deewar par sahaara mat lo.

Do not lean against the wall.

दिमाग से काम लो। Dimag se kam lo.

Use your brain.

. मुझ पर सहारा मत लो। Mujh par sahaara mat lo.

Do not lean against me.

बिस्तर लगा दो। Bistar laga do.

Make the bed. / Prepare the bed.

नल बन्द कर दो। Nal khol do.

Turn on the tap.

बिस्तर पर चादर बिछा दो। Bistar par chaadar bichha do.

Spread the sheet on the bed.

मेरे कंधे पर अपना सिर मत रखो। Mere kandhe par apna sir mat rakho.

Do not lean your head on my shoulder.

धीरे बोलो। Dheere bolo.

Speak slowly.

ऊँचा बोलो। Ooncha bolo.

Speak aloud.

वो दबे पाँव कमरे में घुसा। Vo dabe paaon kamre me ghusa.

He tiptoed into the room.

बहाने मत बनाओ। Bahaane mat banao.

Don’t make excuses.

अपने बाल बना लो। Apne baal bana lo.

Comb you hair.

समय की नजाकत को समझो। Samay ki nazakat ko samjho.

Understand the delicacy of time.

मुझ पर एहसान मत करो। Mujh par ehsaan mat karo.

Don’t favor me.

दबे पाँव चलो। Dabe paaon aao.

Walk on the tiptoe.

खाना लगा दो। Khaana  laga do.

Serve the food.

तेज़ बोलो। Tez bolo.

Speak quickly.

धीमे बोलो। Dheeme bolo.

Speak softly. / Speak quietly.

समझने की कोशिश करो। Samajhne ki koshish karo.

Try to understand.

मुझे गुस्सा मत दिलाओ। Mujhe gussa mat dilao.

Don’t make me angry.

आँख मत मारो। Aankh mat maro.

Do not wink.

बक बक मत करो। Bak bak mat karo.

Don’t prattle. / Stop your gab.

उसे समय लेने दो। Use samay lene do.

Let him take time.

इशारा मत करो। Ishara mat karo.

Do not gesture.

बकवास मत करो। Bakwaas mat karo.
Don’t talk nonsense.
आँख मत मारो। Aankh mat maro.

Do not wink.

बक बक मत करो। Bak bak mat karo.

Don’t prattle. / Stop your gab.

उसे समय लेने दो। Use samay lene do.

Let him take time.

इशारा मत करो। Ishara mat karo.

Do not gesture.

 ज़िद मत करो। Zid mat karo.
Don’t be stubborn.
मुझसे पंगे मत लो। Mujhse pange mat lo.
Do not mess with me.
धूप सेंक लो। (Dhoop sek lo.
Bask in the sun.
आटा गूंथ लो। (Aanta goonth lo.
Knead the flour.
 शर्ट पहन लो। Shirt pahan lo.
Wear the shirt.
 रोटियाँ सेंक लो। Rotiyaan senk lo.
Bake the chapatis. 
जूते उतार लो। (oote utaar lo.
Take off the shoes.
रोटी कैसे बनायें ? (Roti kaise banaayein.

How to roll the chapati?

शर्ट उतार लो। Shirt utaar lo.
Take off the shirt.
 जूते पहन लो। Joote pahan lo.
Put on the shoes.
दिल पे मत लो। Dil pe mat lo.
Don’t take it to heart.
उसे विदा कर दो। Use vida kar do.
See him off
रोटियाँ बेल लो। Rotiyaan bel lo.

Roll the chapatis.

उसे गाली मत दो। Use gali mat do.
Don’t abuse him.
अंधेरा हो गया है। Andhera ho gaya hai.
It’s got dark. /
It’s become dark. (It’s = It has)
जाकर सो जाओ। Jaakar so jao.
Go and sleep.
अंधेरा हो रहा है। Andhera ho raha hai.
It’s getting dark. /
It’s becoming dark. (It’s = It is)
मुझे नहाने दो। Mujhe nahane do.
Let me take a bath.
मुझे ठंड लग रही है। Mujhe thand lag rahi hai.
I’m feeling cold.
बारिश हो रही है। (Barish ho rahi hai.
It’s raining.
हमने वाकई में ज़िन्दगी जी। Humne vakayee me zindagi jee.
We really lived life.
मशीन चालू करो। (Machine chaaloo karo.
Switch on the machine.
बहुत मज़ा आया! Bahut maza aaya!
Enjoyed a lot!
मशीन चलाओ। Machine chalao.
Operate the machine.
नौकरी कर लो। Naukri kar lo.
Start a job.
फोन आ रहा है। Phone aa raha hai.
The phone is ringing.
सुबह हो गयी। Subah ho gayi.
It’s Morning.
नौकरी ढूँढ लो। Naukri dhoond lo.
Find a job.
एसी बन्द करो। AC band karo.
Switch off the AC.
उसे मत घूरो। Use mat ghooro.
Don’t stare at him.
एसी ऑन करो। AC ON karo.
Switch on the AC.
ड्राइविंग सीख लो। Driving seekh lo.
Learn driving.
मेरे साथ चलो। Mere saath chalo.
Come with me.
उसे मत देखो। Use mat dekho.
Don’t look at him.
तुम सीख जाओगे। Tum seekh jaoge.
You will learn.
नंगे पैर मत चलो। Nange pair mat chalo.
Don’t walk barefoot.
इंडिया जीतेगी। (India jeetegi.
India will win. /
India is gonna win. (Gonna = going to)
चालाक मत बनो। Chalak mat bano.
Don’t be smar
तुम अंग्रेज़ी सीखोगे। Tum angrezi seekhoge.
You will learn English.
दोबारा कब मिलेंगे? Dobara kab milenge?
When will we meet again?
तुम डरपोक हो। Tum darpok ho.
You are coward.


1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2

1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2


1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2

1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2


1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2

1000 Daily Use English to Hindi Sentences- Part 2

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