English Sentences

15 Advanced Daily English Sentences with Urdu Translation

15 Advanced Daily English Sentences with Urdu Translation
15 Advanced Daily English Sentences with Urdu Translation

15 Advanced Alternative English Words and Sentences in Urdu | Daily Alternative English Phrases with Urdu Translation for Speaking Fluent English. These Alternative English Sentences will help you make more advanced and while speaking English, you won’t have to repeat words that make your language extremely boring. in order to avoid the repetition process, you must learn these 15 advanced English words and sentences to improve your spoken english.

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Advanced English Sentences


  1. I am bored.
    میں بیزار ہوں۔

    I’m bored stiff.
    I am bored to tears!
    It’s a bot of snore.
  2. I dislike it.
    مجھے یہ پسند نہیں ۔

    I’m not interested in it.
    I don’t appreciate it.
    It’s not for me.
  3. I’m sad.
    میں غمگین ہوں۔

    I’m gutted.
    I’m absolutely devastated.
    I’m feeling really down.
  4. I don’t know.
    مجھے نہیں معلوم۔

    I’ve no idea.
    I’ve no clue.
    I dunno.
  5. I’m well.
    میں ٹھیک ہوں۔

    I couldn’t be better.
    Not bad, Thanks.
    I’m doing well.
  6. Sorry!
    معاف کرنا!

    My apologies!
    I beg your pardon!
    My bad!
  7. Yes!
    جی ہاں!

    of course!
  8. No!

    Absolutely not!
    No way!
    Not likely!
  9. What?

    Excuse me!
  10. Okay!
    ٹھیک ہے!

    Very well!
    Fair enough!
  11. Thanks!

    I appreciate that!
    Thanks a bunch!
    You’re too kind!
  12. Please!
    برائے مہربانی!

    Would you mind!
    Would you be able to..
    I wonder if you might..
  13. I don’t understand.
    میں نہیں سمجھا!

    I don’t have a clue.
    I just don’t get it.
    It’s beyond me.
  14. I understand!
    !میں سمجھتا ہو

    I take your point.
    Got it!
    Fair enough!
  15. I’m tired.
    میں تھکاہوا ہوں۔

    I’m completely exhausted.
    I’m worn out.
    I’m drained out.
    15 Advanced Daily English Sentences with Urdu Translation

    15 Advanced Daily English Sentences with Urdu Translation

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