
List of 100+Wild Animals Vocabulary | Wild Animals

List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary

What are Wild Animals?

Wild animals are organisms that live and thrive in their natural habitats without direct influence or control by humans. They exist in various ecosystems, ranging from forests, grasslands, deserts, mountains, wetlands, and oceans. These wild animals vocabulary have evolved to adapt to their specific environments, forming complex ecological relationships with other species and their surroundings.

Types of Wild Animals


  • Lions (Panthera leo)
  • Elephants
  • Tigers (Panthera tigris)
  • Giraffes
  • Wolves (Canis lupus)
  • Bears
  • Monkeys
  • Zebras (Equus zebra)
  • Dolphins (Delphinidae family)
  • Whales


  • Eagles
  • Penguins
  • Parrots
  • Owls
  • Hummingbirds
  • Falcons


  • Snakes
  • Crocodiles
  • Turtles
  • Lizards


  • Frogs
  • Salamanders (Various species)
  • Toads (Various species)


  • Sharks
  • Dolphins and Porpoises
  • Clownfish
  • Angelfish (Various species)
  • Salmon (Various species)

Insects and Arachnids:

  • Butterflies (Various species)
  • Ants (Various species)
  • Bees (Various species)
  • Spiders

Marine Life:

  • Corals
  • Seals
  • Sea turtles
  • Jellyfish (Various species)


  • Chimpanzees
  • Gorillas
  • Orangutans
  • Lemurs
  • Bonobos​


List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary

List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary

List of Wild Animal Names

Serial No. Wild Animals Animals Images
1 Lion Lion
2 Elephant Elephant
3 Tiger Tiger
4 Giraffe Giraffe
5 Wolf Wolf
6 Bear Bear
7 Monkey Monkey
8 Zebra Zebra
9 Dolphin Dolphin
10 Whale Whale
11 Eagle Eagle
12 Penguin Penguin
13 Parrot Parrot
14 Owl Owl
15 Hummingbird Hummingbird
16 Falcon Falcon
17 Snake Snake
18 Crocodile Crocodile
19 Turtle Turtle
20 Lizard Lizard
21 Frog Frog
22 Salamander Salamander
23 Toad Toad
24 Shark Shark
25 Clownfish clownfish
26 Angelfish Angelfish
27 Hedgehog Hedgehog
28 Butterfly Butterfly
29 Ant Ant
30 Bee Bee
31 Spider Spider
32 Coral Coral
33 Seal Seal
34 Sea Turtle Sea Turtle
35 Jellyfish Jellyfish
36 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee
37 Gorilla Gorilla
38 Possum Possum
39 Lemur Lemur
40 Bonobo Bonobo
41 Cheetah Cheetah
42 Rhino Rhino
43 Hippopotamus Hippopotamus
44 Koala Lemur
45 Panda Panda
46 Bison Bison
47 Moose Moose
48 Jaguar Jaguar
49 Leopard Leopard
50 Hyena Hyena
51 Gazelle Gazelle
52 Ostrich Ostrich
53 Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon
54 Badger Badger
55 Wombat Wombat
56 Mole Mole
57 Seahorse Seahorse
58 Octopus Octopus
59 Cuttlefish Cuttlefish
60 Porcupine Porcupine
61 Blue Whale Blue Whale
62 Raccoon Raccoon
63 Chipmunk Chipmunk
64 Snow Leopard Snow Leopard
65 Dorado Dorado
66 Red Panda Red Panda
67 Meerkat Meerkat
68 Kangaroo Kangaroo
69 Polar bear Polar bear
70 Red fox Red fox
71 Mandrill Mandrill
72 King Cobra King Cobra
73 Mongoose Mongoose
74 Goose Goose
75 Harpy Eagle
76 Wolverine
78 Ram Ram
79 Hawk Hawk
80 Wild dog Wild dog
81 Snowy Owl Snowy Owl
82 Tiger Tiger
83 Elk
84 Musk ox
85 Warthog Warthog
86 Salmon Salmon
87 Wild Turkey Wild Turkey
88 Squirrel Squirrel
89 Arctic Wolf Arctic Wolf
90 White dingo White dingo
91 Puma Puma
92 Walrus Walrus
93 Chameleon Chameleon
94 Alligator Alligator:
95 Coyote Coyote
96 Pangolin Pangolin
97 Ocelot Ocelot
98 Sloth Sloth
99 Jaguarundi Jaguarundi
100 Marmot Marmot
101 Fossa Fossa
102 Hyrax Hyrax
103 Markhor Markhor
104 Serval Serval
105 Tapir Tapir
106 Caracal Caracal
107 Manatee Manatee
108 Okapi Okapi
109 Quokka Quokka
110 Gaur Gaur

Wild Animal Names with Short Detail

Alligators are large reptiles belonging to the family Alligatoridae. They are semi-aquatic predators native to the southeastern United States and China. The two primary species of alligators are the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and te Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis).

Majestic big cats known for their golden coats and living in social groups called prides. Lions are skilled hunters, primarily found in Africa.

Eagles are large and powerful birds of prey belonging to the Accipitridae family. They are known for their keen eyesight, powerful talons, and majestic flight. Eagles are found on every continent except Antarctica, with various species adapted to different habitats.


Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth and belong to the family Elephantidae. There are two main species of elephants: the African elephant (Loxodonta africana and Loxodonta cyclotis) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).

It has long trunks, large ears, and impressive tusks (found mainly in males). Elephants are highly intelligent and display complex social behaviors, living in tight-knit family groups known as herds.

Monkeys are a diverse group of primates belonging to the suborder Haplorhini. They are found in various parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Monkeys come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, and they display a wide range of behaviors and adaptations.
Monkeys include their forward-facing eyes, grasping hands, and long, flexible tails (not present in all monkey species). They are highly agile and are well-adapted to life in trees, with many species being skilled climbers and leapers.

Koalas are iconic marsupials native to Australia. They are often referred to as “koala bears,” but they are not bears. Koalas are arboreal, spending most of their time in eucalyptus trees, and feed primarily on eucalyptus leaves.

Polar Bear:
Polar bear
Polar bears are the largest land carnivores and are well-adapted to survive in the Arctic region. Their white fur helps them blend into the snowy environment, and they are powerful swimmers, often seen hunting for seals on ice floes.

Giraffes are the tallest land animals, known for their long necks and distinctive spotted coat patterns. They primarily inhabit savannas in Africa and use their long necks to reach leaves high up in trees.

Octopuses are highly intelligent and incredibly flexible marine creatures with no skeleton. They have eight arms lined with suction cups, which they use for movement, hunting, and manipulating objects.

Kangaroos are marsupials native to Australia known for their powerful hind legs and unique hopping locomotion. They carry their underdeveloped young, called joeys, in a pouch on their abdomen.

Snow Leopard:
Snow Leopard
Snow leopards are elusive big cats native to the mountainous regions of Central and South Asia. They are adapted to live in cold, harsh environments and have thick fur and well-developed paws for traversing snowy terrain. Snow leopards are highly endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

Seahorses are unique fish with elongated bodies, a horse-like head, and a prehensile tail. They are found in shallow tropical and temperate waters around the world. Seahorses are fascinating for their reproductive behavior, as it is the male that carries and gives birth to the young.

Komodo Dragon:
Komodo Dragon
The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and is native to the Indonesian islands. They are formidable predators with powerful jaws, sharp teeth, and a venomous bite. Komodo dragons primarily hunt on land but are also capable swimmers..

MeerkatMeerkats are small, social mongooses found in the deserts of southern Africa. They live in underground burrows and work together in groups to forage for food, protect their territory, and care for their young

are our closest living relatives, sharing about 98% of their DNA with humans. They are highly intelligent and capable of using tools, solving complex problems, and displaying various social behaviors. Chimpanzees are found in the forests of Central and West Africa.

Harpy Eagle:
Harpy Eagle
The harpy eagle is one of the largest and most powerful eagles in the world, found in the rainforests of Central and South America. They are adept hunters and prey on sloths, monkeys, and other large birds.

RaccoonRaccoons are medium-sized mammals found in North and Central America. They have distinctive black “mask” markings around their eyes and ringed tails. Raccoons are highly adaptable and are known for their scavenging and problem-solving abilities.

Arctic Fox:

The Arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos) is a subspecies of gray wolf (Canis lupus) that inhabits the Arctic regions of North America and Greenland. Arctic wolf include its thick, pure-white fur, which helps it blend seamlessly with the snowy landscape and provides insulation against freezing temperatures. They also have a compact body structure, short ears, and a shorter snout compared to wolves in warmer regions, which further minimizes heat loss.


Chameleons are a family of lizards known for their ability to change color. They are found primarily in Africa, Madagascar, and other parts of Asia. Chameleons use color changes for communication, camouflage, and temperature regulation.

Fastest land animals, capable of speeds up to 70 mph (113 km/h). Cheetahs are found in African savannas.

Blue Whale:
Blue Whale
Largest animals on Earth, magnificent marine mammals found in oceans worldwide, feeding on krill and plankton

Snowy Owl:
Snowy Owl
Arctic-dwelling owls with snowy white plumage, found in the Northern Hemisphere. Snowy owls are well-adapted to hunt in snowy landscapes.

King Cobra:
King Cobra
Venomous snakes found in South and Southeast Asia, known for their majestic appearance and deadly venom.

List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary. Wild Animals Name in English

List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary. Wild Animals Name in English


List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary. Wild Animals Name in English

List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary. Wild Animals Name in English


List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary. Wild Animals Name in English

List of 100+ Wild Animals Name | Animals Vocabulary. Wild Animals Name in English

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