English Grammar

Predicate Adjectives, Usage with Examples in English

Predicate Adjectives and Usage with Examples in English

Predicate adjectives are words in grammar that help describe or give more information about the subject of a sentence. Unlike regular adjectives, which usually come before the noun, predicate adjectives come after a special kind of verb called a linking verb (like “is,” “am,” “are,” etc.). They help to tell us more about the state or quality of the subject. So, when we want to explain how something or someone is, or what it’s like, we can use predicate adjectives examples. This way, we can make our sentences more interesting and provide additional details about the subject simply and clearly.

Predicate Adjectives and Usage with Examples in English

Predicate Adjectives and Usage with Examples in English

What are Predicate Adjectives?

A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb (a verb that connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement) and describes the subject of the sentence. Unlike adjectives that directly modify nouns, predicate adjectives modify the subject of the sentence.

In a sentence with a linking verb, the subject complement can be a noun, pronoun, or adjective. When it is an adjective, that adjective is referred to as a predicate adjective.


  • The flowers in the garden are colorful.
  • The music at the concert sounded amazing.
  • Her new dress looks stunning.
  • The pizza smells delicious.
  • The students in the class were enthusiastic about the project.

Usage of Predicate Adjectives:

  • Describing States of Being
  • Expressing Opinions or Judgments
  • Depicting Sensory Perceptions
  • Indicating Changes or Transformations
  • Describing Emotional States

Describing States of Being:

  • The flowers in the garden are colorful.
  • The atmosphere in the room seemed relaxed.
  • The water in the lake appears calm.
  • The old book feels fragile.
  • The children grew restless during the long journey.

Expressing Opinions or Judgments:

  • The movie was entertaining.
  • His response sounded sarcastic.
  • The presentation seems informative.
  • The journey was exhausting.
  • Her idea appears innovative.

Depicting Sensory Perceptions:

  • The coffee smells invigorating.
  • The roses in the garden look vibrant.
  • The freshly baked bread tastes delicious.
  • The air feels crisp in the morning.
  • The music sounds melodious.

Indicating Changes or Transformations:

  • The weather turned stormy suddenly.
  • The caterpillar became a beautiful butterfly.
  • His mood grew cheerful as the day progressed.
  • The project proved to be challenging.
  • The house became quiet after everyone left.

Describing Emotional States:

  • The news left her ecstatic.
  • The unexpected gift made him grateful.
  • The difficult decision was heartbreaking.
  • The achievement left them proud.
  • The movie’s ending was touching.

Predicate Adjective Examples:

  • The cat looks playful.
  • The soup smells delicious.
  • The movie was boring.
  • The day feels long.
  • The flower appears fragile.
  • The news seems surprising.
  • The car sounds noisy.
  • The coffee tastes bitter.
  • The game was intense.
  • The child seems happy.

Predicate Adjective Exercise:

1. Which of the following sentences contains a predicate adjective?
a. The cat jumped over the fence.
b. The soup tasted delicious.
c. Sarah quickly ran to catch the bus.
d. The book is on the shelf.
2. In the sentence “The flowers smell fragrant,” what is the predicate adjective?
a. flowers
b. smell
c. fragrant
d. The
3. Identify the sentence with a correct use of a predicate adjective.
a. The teacher speaks very loud.
b. The sky looked beautifully this morning.
c. The cake tasted sweetly.
d. The movie was surprisingly good.
4. Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a predicate adjective?
a. The water in the pool feels refreshing.
b. His answers were correct.
c. She painted the door blue.
d. The music sounds loud.
5. In the sentence “The storm left the sky clear,” what is the predicate adjective?
a. storm
b. left
c. sky
d. clear
6. Choose the sentence where the underlined word functions as a predicate adjective:
a. The dog barked loudly.
b. The cake tasted delicious.
c. We hiked up the steep mountain.
d. She waved goodbye.


  1. b. The soup tasted delicious.
  2. c. fragrant
  3. d. The movie was surprisingly good.
  4. c. She painted the door blue.
  5. d. clear
  6. b. The cake tasted delicious.

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